


  • February 2025: Dr. Hefeeda was named an ACM Distinguished Member for research contributions to multimedia networking, peer-to-peer systems, and mobile video streaming.


  • May 2023: Dr. Hefeeda finishes his appointment as the Director of the School of Computing Science.


  • February 2022: Khaled Diab awarded the distinction of Distinguished Member of the 2022 IEEE INFOCOM TPC [pdf].


  • November 2021: Hamed Rahmani Khezri graduates (MSc). Congratulations!
  • October 2021: Parham Yassini graduates (MSc) and joins Huawei. Congratulations!
  • September 2021: Neha Sharma attended ACM Multimedia Systems 2021 and won Best Social Media Reporter Award.[report]
  • July 2021: Puria Azadimoghadam graduates (MSc) and continues as PhD student at UBC. Congratulations!


  • July 2020: Carlos Lee graduates (MSc) and joins Ericsson. Congratulations!
  • April 2020: Amgad Ahmed graduates (MSc). Congratulations!


  • August 2019: Khaled Diab graduates (PhD) and continues as University Research Associate at SFU. Congratulations!
  • August 2019: Mohammad Amin Arab graduates (MSc) and continues as PhD candidate at NSL. Congratulations!
  • Summer 2019: Mohamed Hegazy graduates (MSc) and joins Fortinet. Congratulations!
  • June 2019: Omar Arafa graduates (MSc) and joins Fortinet. Congratulations!


  • December 2018: Omar Eltobgy graduates (MSc) and joins Adobe. Congratulations!
  • November 2018: Mohammed Shatnawi graduates (PhD) form NSL and continues his work with Microsoft. Congratulations Dr. Shatnawi!
  • May 2018: Dr. Hefeeda is appointed the Director of the School of Computing Science.


  • September 2017: Dr. Hefeeda is appointed the Associate Director for Research and Industry Relations of the School of Computing Science.
  • August 2017: Kiana Calagari graduates (PhD) form NSL. Congratulations Dr. Calagari!
  • August 2017: Alaa Eldin Abdelaal graduates (MSc) and joins UBC in September as a PhD student. Congratulations!
  • April 2017: Ahmed Hamza graduates (PhD) from NSL and joins InterDigital in September as a Research Engineer. Congratulations Dr. Hamza!


  • December 2016: Saleh Almowuena graduates (PhD) from NSL and joins King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, as Assistant Professor. Congratulations Dr. Almowuena!



  • November 2014: Abdullah Aldhamin graduates (MSc) form NSL and returns back to Saudi Aramco Oil Company. Congratulations!
  • October 2014: Ahmed Abdelsadek graduates (MSc) from NSL and joins Microsoft. Congratulations!
  • September 2014: Dr. Hefeeda is awarded the Best Associate Editor of the ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (ACM TOMM) journal.
  • September 2014: Dr. Hefeeda is promoted to full professor.
  • January 2014: Khaled Diab joins NSL as a PhD student. Welcome aboard Khaled!


  • December 2012: Ahmed Bu-Khamsin graduates (MSc) from NSL. Congratulations!
  • September 2012: Ahmed Abdelsadek joins NSL as a MSc student. Welcome aboard Ahmed!
  • September 2012: Kiana Calagari joins NSL as a PhD student. Welcome aboard Kiana!
  • August 2012: Tamir Hegazy joins NSL as a post-doc fellow. Welcome aboard Tamir!
  • August 2012: Naghmeh Khodabakhshi graduates (MSc) from NSL and joins Research In Motion (RIM). Congratulations!
  • July 2012: Kaushik Choudhary graduates (MSc-Project) from NSL. Congratulations!
  • June 2012: Taher Dameh graduates (MSc) from NSL. Congratulations!


  • December 2011: Fei Gao graduates (MSc) from NSL. Congratulations!
  • September 2011: Cameron Harvey graduates (MSc) from NSL and joins in Seattle, WA. Congratulations! Abdullah and Masum join NSL as MSc students. Welcome aboard.
  • June 2011: Dr. Hefeeda is awarded one of the prestigious NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplements (DAS), which are granted to 123 researchers in all Science and Engineering disciplines in Canada (selected from more than 3,400 applicants in 2011).
  • June 2011: Hamed Neshat graduates (MSc) from NSL and joins Microsoft in Seattle, WA. Congratulations!
  • April 2011: Farid Tabrizi graduates (MSc) from NSL. Congratulations!
  • April 2011: Mohammad Alkurbi graduates (MSc-Project) from NSL. Congratulations!


  • December 2010: Shabnam Mirshokraie graduates (MSc) from NSL and joins UBC as a PhD student. Congratulations!
  • December 2010: Somsubhra Sharangi graduates (MSc) from NSL. Congratulations!
  • October 2010: Our NSERC Strategic Project Grant application on Mobile Gaming and 3D Video Systems: Next Generation Services for Wireless Networks is accepted.
  • September 2010: Naghmeh Khodabakhshi joins NSL as MSc student. Welcome aboard Naghmeh!
  • August 2010: Yuanbin Shen graduates (MSc) from NSL. Congratulations!
  • July 2010: Dr. Hefeeda is promoted to the associate professor rank and granted tenure.
  • June 2010: Cong Ly graduates (MSc) from NSL and joins Microsoft in Vancouver, BC. Congratulations!


  • December 2009: Yi Liu graduates (MSc) from NSL and joins Incognito Software Inc. in Vancouver, BC. Congratulations!
  • December 2009: Greg Kowalski graduates (MSc) from NSL Congratulations!
  • November 2009: Cheng-Hsin Hsu graduates (PhD) from NSL and joins the Deutsche Telekom R&D Lab in California as a senior researcher. Congratulations Dr. Hsu -- the first PhD graduate from our group.
  • November 2009: Dr. Hefeeda becomes a Senior Member of the IEEE.
  • November 2009: Dr. Hefeeda becomes the Preservation Editor of the ACM Special Interest Group on Multimedia (SIGMM) Web Magazine.
  • November 2009: Farid and Fei join NSL as MSc students. Welcome aboard.
  • October 2009: Dr. Hefeeda becomes the program chair of NOSSDAV 2010.
  • September 2009: Cameron Harvey and Hamed Sadeghi-Neshat join NSL as MSc students. Welcome aboard.
  • September 2009: Kianoosh Mokhtarian graduates (MSc) from NSL and joins Mobidia in Richmond, BC. Congratulations!
  • July 2009: Our mobile TV research is also featured in the July issue of the ACM Tech News.
  • May 2009: Cheng-Hsin Hsu (NSL PhD student) is featured in SFU News.
  • January 2009: Ahmed Hamza joins NSL as PhD student. Mohammad Alkurbi joins NSL as MSc-Project student. Welcome aboard.


  • September 2008: Cong Ly, Yuanbin Shen, and Shabnam Mirshokraie join NSL as MSc students. Welcome aboard.
  • March 2008: This Wiki system has been launched.
  • February 2008: Yi Liu joins NSL as MSc student. Welcome aboard Yi!


  • September 2007: Kianoosh Mokhtarian joins NSL as MSc student. Welcome aboard Kianoosh!
  • December 2007: Behrooz Noorizadeh Graduates (MSc) from NSL joins Eyeball Networks in Vancouver. .
  • July 2007: Hossein Ahmadi Graduates (MSc) from NSL and joins UIUC as PhD Student.
  • April 2007: Majid Bagheri Graduates (MSc) from NSL and takes on a job in Iran.


  • November 2006: Osama Saleh Graduates (MSc) from NSL and joins Eyeball Networks in Vancouver. Congratulations Osama -- the first MSc graduate from our group.