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The Internet continues to change many aspects of our everyday life, including the way we communicate, learn, conduct business, and even entertain ourselves. With an increasing fraction of the population having access to high-speed network connections and the abundance of low-cost, powerful, computing devices, more services are continually made possible over the Internet. One such service that has recently been in high demand is multimedia communication in various forms, including on-demand streaming, live broadcasting, video conferencing, and collaborative virtual environments. For example, YouTube was reported to be the fastest growing web site in the Internet history; currently serving 200—300 million video sessions per day.
Participants in multimedia communication systems typically seek the highest possible quality, and the more they get used to multimedia services, the higher the quality they will expect and demand from the system. These participants, however, use quite heterogeneous computing resources. Heterogeneity arises from many sources, including network bandwidth, processing capacity, network delay, display resolution, and energy constraints. Supporting such heterogeneity is a challenging task. Current systems typically use nonscalable coding techniques for video streams. Therefore, they either degrade the quality for all participants to accommodate the least-powerful one, or they offer a very few (2—3) versions of the same stream to provide limited scalability. This is clearly insufficient in increasingly heterogeneous environments. Furthermore, nonscalable coding systems cannot fully utilize client resources, nor can they maximize the quality for all clients.
Unlike the case with nonscalable coders, various representations of the same video stream with different bit rates and qualities can be produced using scalable coders. Scalable coding techniques thus have the potential to support wide range of clients. A number of research challenges, however, need to be addressed to realize this potential.  This goal of this project is to analyze and understand scalable coding techniques, and to design several optimization and streaming algorithms to make the best possible use of them in real multimedia systems. This will enable faster and wider adoption of scalable coding techniques in various multimedia communication systems, which will, in turn, yield better quality for users, and more efficient utilization of network and server resources.  We consider scalability along several dimensions: quality (PSNR), power consumption, computation complexity, and multi-views (streams). We are also interested in efficient manipulation of scalable streams on special hardware devices (GPUs). 
We are focusing on distributed streaming in dynamic environments in which a receiver is served by multiple senders. We are developing models to understand the characteristics (rate-distortion curves) of the fine-grained scalability of MPEG-4 video sequences.  We are also working on methods to infer and model the network paths characteristics (available bandwidth, packet loss rate).  Guided by these models, we seek to optimize the streaming quality.
== People ==
== People ==
* '''[http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/ Mohamed Hefeeda]'''
* [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/ Mohamed Hefeeda]
* [http://www.sfu.ca/~cha16/ ChengHsin Hsu (PhD student)]
* Yuanbin Shen (MSc student)
* Shabnam Mirshokraie (MSc student)
== On-going Research Problems ==
* '''Cheng-Hsin Hsu,  PhD student'''
* [[Private:svc | H.264/SVC Scalable Streams Management System (Login Required)]]
* '''Yi Liu,  MSc student'''
* [[Private:psim | Simulator for P2P Live Streaming and VoD Systems (Login Required)]]
== Publications ==
== Publications ==
      M. Hefeeda and C. Hsu, Rate-Distortion Optimized Streaming of Fine-Grained Scalable Video Sequences, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, Accepted June 2007.   
* C. Hsu and M. Hefeeda, [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/Papers/mmsys10_segmentScheduling.pdf Quality-Aware Segment Transmission Scheduling in Peer-to-Peer Streaming Systems], In Proc. of ACM Multimedia Systems (MMSys'10), p. 169--179, Phoenix, AZ, February 2010.
* K. Mokhtarian and M. Hefeeda, [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/Papers/mmsys10_p2pAnalysis.pdf Analysis of Peer-assisted Video-on-Demand Systems with Scalable Video Streams], In Proc. of ACM Multimedia Systems (MMSys'10), 12 pages, Phoenix, AZ, February 2010.
* S. Mirshokraie and M. Hefeeda, [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/Papers/mmsys10_svc-nc.pdf Live Peer-to-Peer Streaming with Scalable Video Coding and Networking Coding], In Proc. of ACM Multimedia Systems (MMSys'10), pp. 123--132, Phoenix, AZ, February 2010.
* Y. Liu and M. Hefeeda, [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/Papers/mmsys10_coopStreaming.pdf Video Streaming over Cooperative Wireless Networks], In Proc. of ACM Multimedia Systems (MMSys'10), pp. 99--110, Phoenix, AR, February 2010.
* C. Hsu and M. Hefeeda, [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/Papers/mmsys10_viewingTime.pdf Achieving Viewing Time Scalability in Mobile Video Streaming Using Scalable Video Coding], In Proc. of ACM Multimedia Systems (MMSys'10), pp. 111--122, Phoenix, AZ, February 2010.
* G. Kowalski and M. Hefeeda, [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/Papers/ism09.pdf Empirical Analysis of Multi-Sender Segment Transmission Algorithms in Peer-to-Peer Streaming], In Proc. of  IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM'09), pp. 243--250, San Diego, CA, December 2009.  '''(Acceptance: 20%)'''
* Y. Liu, C. Hsu, and M. Hefeeda, [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/Papers/mm09-short.pdf On the Benefits of Cooperative Video Broadcast over WMANs and WLANs], In Proc. of ACM Multimedia 2009, pp. 901--904, Beijing, China, October 2009.  '''(Acceptance: 30%)'''
* C. Hsu and M. Hefeeda, [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/Papers/tomccap08_rd.pdf On the Accuracy and Complexity of Rate-Distortion Models for FGS-encoded Video Sequences], ''ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications'', 4(2), Article 15, 22 Pages, May 2008.   
      C. Hsu and M. Hefeeda, On the Accuracy and Complexity of Rate-Distortion Models for FGS-encoded Video Sequences, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, Accepted February 2007.  
* C. Hsu and M. Hefeeda, [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/Papers/tom08b.pdf Partitioning of Multiple Fine-Grained Scalable Video Sequences Concurrently Streamed to Heterogeneous Clients], ''IEEE Transactions on Multimedia'', 10(3), pp. 457--469, April 2008.  
      C. Hsu and M. Hefeeda, Optimal Bit Allocation for Fine-Grained Scalable Video Sequences in Distributed Streaming Environments, In Proc. of 14th ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference (MMCN'07), pp. 1--12, San Jose, CA, Jan 2007.
* M. Hefeeda and C. Hsu,  [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/Papers/tomccap07_fgs.pdf Rate-Distortion Optimized Streaming of Fine-Grained Scalable Video Sequences], ''ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications'', 4(1), Article 2, 28 Pages, January 2008.  
      C. Hsu and M. Hefeeda, Structuring Multi-Layer Scalable Streams to Maximize Client-Perceived Quality, In Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'07), Chicago, IL, June 2007.
* C. Hsu and M. Hefeeda, [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/Papers/tom08.pdf Optimal Coding of Multi-layer and Multi-version Video Streams], ''IEEE Transactions on Multimedia'', 10(1), pp. 121--131, January 2008.
      C. Hsu and M. Hefeeda, Optimal Partitioning of Fine-Grained Scalable Video Streams, In Proc. of ACM International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio & Video (NOSSDAV'07), Urbana-Champion, IL, June 2007. Slides [ppt] [pdf].
* C. Hsu and M. Hefeeda, [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/Papers/iwqos07.pdf Structuring Multi-Layer Scalable Streams to Maximize Client-Perceived Quality], In Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'07), pp. 182--187, Chicago, IL, June 2007.
      C. Hsu and M. Hefeeda, Rate-Distortion Models for FGS-encoded Video Sequences, In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Theory and Applications (ICCTA'06), pp. 334--337, Alexandria, Egypt, September 2006.  
* C. Hsu and M. Hefeeda, [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/Papers/nossdav07.pdf Optimal Partitioning of Fine-Grained Scalable Video Streams], In Proc. of ACM International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio & Video (NOSSDAV'07), pp. 63--68, Urbana-Champion, IL, June 2007.
Programs and Experimental Data
* C. Hsu and M. Hefeeda, [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/Papers/mmcn07.pdf Optimal Bit Allocation for Fine-Grained Scalable Video Sequences in Distributed Streaming Environments], In Proc. of 14th ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference (MMCN'07), pp. 1--12, San Jose, CA, Jan 2007.
We have augmented the MPEG-4 FGS reference software to collect rate-distortion information at encoding time. We have also developed scripts (in perl and/or Matlab) to analyze this information and to generate rate-distortion meta data. Using the rate-distortion meta data, we design several bit-allocation algorithms for streaming applications (see our paper for details). We provide our programs and data in the following tar files:
* C. Hsu and M. Hefeeda, [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mhefeeda/Papers/iccta06.pdf Rate-Distortion Models for FGS-encoded Video Sequences], In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Theory and Applications (ICCTA'06), pp. 334--337, Alexandria, Egypt, September 2006.  
      Programs: contains the augmented reference software and scripts.
== Software and Data ==
      Data: contains experimental data for three video sequences: Foreman, Mobile, and Bee.
We have augmented the MPEG-4 FGS reference software to collect rate-distortion information at encoding time. We have also developed scripts (in perl and/or Matlab) to analyze this information and to generate rate-distortion meta data. Using the rate-distortion meta data, we design several bit-allocation algorithms for streaming applications (see our paper for details). We provide our programs and data in the following tar files:
      Howto.txt: contains the instructions of how to use our software.
* [http://nsl.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/projects/fgs/files/programs.tgz Programs:] contains the augmented reference software and scripts.
      Plots_Howto.txt: contains a list of Matlab commands that were used to generate figures from experimental data.
* [http://nsl.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/projects/fgs/files/data.tgz Data:] contains experimental data for three video sequences: Foreman, Mobile, and Bee.
* [http://nsl.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/projects/fgs/files/howto.txt Howto.txt:] contains the instructions of how to use our software.
* [http://nsl.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/projects/fgs/files/Plots_Howto.txt Plots_Howto.txt:] contains a list of Matlab commands that were used to generate figures from experimental data.

Latest revision as of 17:28, 30 August 2010

The Internet continues to change many aspects of our everyday life, including the way we communicate, learn, conduct business, and even entertain ourselves. With an increasing fraction of the population having access to high-speed network connections and the abundance of low-cost, powerful, computing devices, more services are continually made possible over the Internet. One such service that has recently been in high demand is multimedia communication in various forms, including on-demand streaming, live broadcasting, video conferencing, and collaborative virtual environments. For example, YouTube was reported to be the fastest growing web site in the Internet history; currently serving 200—300 million video sessions per day.

Participants in multimedia communication systems typically seek the highest possible quality, and the more they get used to multimedia services, the higher the quality they will expect and demand from the system. These participants, however, use quite heterogeneous computing resources. Heterogeneity arises from many sources, including network bandwidth, processing capacity, network delay, display resolution, and energy constraints. Supporting such heterogeneity is a challenging task. Current systems typically use nonscalable coding techniques for video streams. Therefore, they either degrade the quality for all participants to accommodate the least-powerful one, or they offer a very few (2—3) versions of the same stream to provide limited scalability. This is clearly insufficient in increasingly heterogeneous environments. Furthermore, nonscalable coding systems cannot fully utilize client resources, nor can they maximize the quality for all clients.

Unlike the case with nonscalable coders, various representations of the same video stream with different bit rates and qualities can be produced using scalable coders. Scalable coding techniques thus have the potential to support wide range of clients. A number of research challenges, however, need to be addressed to realize this potential. This goal of this project is to analyze and understand scalable coding techniques, and to design several optimization and streaming algorithms to make the best possible use of them in real multimedia systems. This will enable faster and wider adoption of scalable coding techniques in various multimedia communication systems, which will, in turn, yield better quality for users, and more efficient utilization of network and server resources. We consider scalability along several dimensions: quality (PSNR), power consumption, computation complexity, and multi-views (streams). We are also interested in efficient manipulation of scalable streams on special hardware devices (GPUs).


  • Yuanbin Shen (MSc student)
  • Shabnam Mirshokraie (MSc student)

On-going Research Problems


Software and Data

We have augmented the MPEG-4 FGS reference software to collect rate-distortion information at encoding time. We have also developed scripts (in perl and/or Matlab) to analyze this information and to generate rate-distortion meta data. Using the rate-distortion meta data, we design several bit-allocation algorithms for streaming applications (see our paper for details). We provide our programs and data in the following tar files:

  • Programs: contains the augmented reference software and scripts.
  • Data: contains experimental data for three video sequences: Foreman, Mobile, and Bee.
  • Howto.txt: contains the instructions of how to use our software.
  • Plots_Howto.txt: contains a list of Matlab commands that were used to generate figures from experimental data.