Difference between revisions of "Private:FTV"

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== Updates ==
== Updates ==
* '''[Ahmed:8/31]''' Implemented view synthesis on the GPU using OpenGL and working on integration of different components of the system.
* '''[Ahmed:3/24]''' Main problem we are facing now is getting the decoder to start decoding properly at an arbitrary segment. This functionality is necessary during view switching. This requires first getting the initialization segment and then sequentially fetching segments from a certain position in the stream based on the view switching point. The current implementation creates a DASHReceiver object which starts fetching segments immediately after its creation starting from initialization segment. Each segment is fetched in a separate thread. The decoder object LibavDecoder reads from an in-memory buffer and not from a file.
* '''[Ahmed:2/11]''' Was able to render two frames side-by-side using SDL and OpenGL. Now working on integrating this with the DASH decoder.
* '''[Ahmed:2/6]''' Decided not to use the Bino player and work on implementing our own based on libdash. Managed to build the sample player that comes with ''libdash'' after modifications to build configuration files as well as some parts of the source code. The player works and the video is retrieved from the server, decoded, and displayed. I'm working on modifying it to render two video streams side-by-side. Our initial thought was that we can just use SDL to perform the rendering. However, it seems we might need to use OpenGL after all. Displaying video frames in SDL is achieved using YUV video overlays (SDL_Overlay) and it is not possible to display more than one overlay at the same time. A workaround may be to first merge the two decoded YUV frames side-by-side before drawing them on the overlay. But this must be done on-the-fly. I tried looking into ''libswscale'' to perform this, but I couldn't find anything that can help.
* '''[Meeting on:2/1]'''
* '''[Meeting on:2/1]'''
** Decided to use Bino player for the end deocding/demo of 3D FTV. There is a plugin for 3D video for VLC but at this time it looks less stable than Bino.
** Decided to use [http://bino3d.org/index.html Bino] player for the end deocding/demo of 3D FTV. There is a plugin for 3D video for VLC but at this time it looks less stable than Bino.
** For our initial version, decided to use multiple independent AVC encoded streams for streaming the different views. This is going to result in less compression than MVC encoded streams but right now we don't have real time MVC decoding support in any media player.
** For our initial version, decided to use multiple independent AVC encoded streams for streaming the different views. This is going to result in less compression than MVC encoded streams but right now we don't have real time MVC decoding support in any media player.
** Decided on using the libDASH API for implementing the client side DASH components and adaptation logic. Since, at any given point in time there are going to be two views being downloaded we need tow instances of libDASH on the client side
** Decided on using the [https://github.com/bitmovin/libdash libdash] library (which became the MPEG-DASH reference client library in MPEG's meeting this month) for implementing the client side DASH components and adaptation logic. Since, at any given point in time there are going to be two views being downloaded we need two instances of libDASH on the client side
** Decided to use DASHEncoder for DASH content and MPD generation at server side.
** Decided to use [https://github.com/slederer/DASHEncoder DASHEncoder] for DASH content and MPD generation at server side.
* '''[Som:1/28]''' MySQL is not required for DASHEncoder but it only implements 'isoff-basic-on-demand' profile while we need the 'stereoid' profile. We can start with the MPD described for 3 view video in MPEG-DASH standard[Section G.4, pp 120]. If we leave out audio for the time being, from the code base of DASHEncoder it seems the major work will be in replacing x264 relevant parts with JMVC and updating the MP4Box related parts. Does MP4Box support the files generated by JMVC? if not we need further code to implement the ISOBFF parts for JMVC generated bitstream. This is the first thing we need working : Add H.264/MVC bitsream into mp4 container and check if the mp4 file can be played back by any player. For generating the mvc bistream we should select a test sequence with at least three views (c1,c2,c3) such that (c1+c2) and (c2+c3) produce stereo views.
* '''[Som:1/28]''' MySQL is not required for DASHEncoder but it only implements 'isoff-basic-on-demand' profile while we need the 'stereoid' profile. We can start with the MPD described for 3 view video in MPEG-DASH standard[Section G.4, pp 120]. If we leave out audio for the time being, from the code base of DASHEncoder it seems the major work will be in replacing x264 relevant parts with JMVC and updating the MP4Box related parts. Does MP4Box support the files generated by JMVC? if not we need further code to implement the ISOBFF parts for JMVC generated bitstream. This is the first thing we need working : Add H.264/MVC bitsream into mp4 container and check if the mp4 file can be played back by any player. For generating the mvc bistream we should select a test sequence with at least three views (c1,c2,c3) such that (c1+c2) and (c2+c3) produce stereo views.
* '''[Ahmed:1/28]''' Added detailed description of creating proper content for the 3D display.
* '''[Ahmed:1/28]''' Added detailed description of creating proper content for the 3D display.
== People ==
== People ==
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== Target 3D Display ==
== System Design ==
The envisioned system will operate as follows:
=== Components: ===
*;DASH Server:
*:The DASH server is a Web (HTTP) server hosting the DASH-encoded views of the free-viewpoint video (FVV) and their associated ''media presentation descriptor'' (MPD). Each view can have multiple representations, e.g., each representation corresponds to a certain bit rate. The server should support partial GET requests and byte ranges.
*;DASH-FTV Client:
*:The FTV client contains the following modules:
*:* FTV player: is a video player capable of rendering stereoscopic video content using on of the common stereo formats, e.g., side-by-side.
*:* View Switching Manager: is responsible for handling view switching requests issued by the user and deciding on the video streams to retrieve from the server for the chosen view-point.
*:* libdash: handles the parsing of the retrieved MPDs and issueing HTTP requests to get the segments.
=== Operation: ===
During the initialization process, the DASH-FTV client retrieves the MPDs of all the views of the FVV from the DASH server. This enables the client to quickly select different segments from different views at any point in time during playback. Based on the desired view-point, the DASH-FTV client selects two corresponding neighboring views that constitute a stereo pair from that view-point. Using libdash, the client then issues HTTP requests to retrieve a range of segments from the server for the chosen view pair with the same segment indices. The segments are passed to two separate DASH decoder instances running within the client on separate threads. Decoded views are then rendered side-by-side on the display. When the display is in 3D-mode, the stereo video will be perceived properly by the viewer.
== 3D Display ==
The Dimenco auto-stereoscopic display accepts a 2D+Z image (also known as V+D for videos). The video frame containing the texture component is combined with a depth map. The two components (texture and depth) are concatenated together to after reducing the width of each by half. The video frames are then compressed and the resulting file is renamed with the extension '''.s3d''' so that the player can detect that it is in the 2D+Z format. This extension makes sure that the Dimenco 3D Player sets the display in 3D mode with the correct settings. The Dimenco 3D Player can also display 3D images in the 2D+Z format. These images should be RGB (24-bit uncompressed) BMP files that are renamed to have the extension '''.b3d'''.
The Dimenco auto-stereoscopic display accepts a 2D+Z image (also known as V+D for videos). The video frame containing the texture component is combined with a depth map. The two components (texture and depth) are concatenated together to after reducing the width of each by half. The video frames are then compressed and the resulting file is renamed with the extension '''.s3d''' so that the player can detect that it is in the 2D+Z format. This extension makes sure that the Dimenco 3D Player sets the display in 3D mode with the correct settings. The Dimenco 3D Player can also display 3D images in the 2D+Z format. These images should be RGB (24-bit uncompressed) BMP files that are renamed to have the extension '''.b3d'''.
Line 60: Line 79:
The following script performs the resizing on all the frames of one component. It is assumed that the filename of the frame contains its number and the user specifies the range of frames to be resized as well as the target directory to save the resized frames. We can place the resized frames of both components in the same target directory.
The following script performs the resizing on all the frames of one component. It is assumed that the filename of the frame contains its number and the user specifies the range of frames to be resized as well as the target directory to save the resized frames. We can place the resized frames of both components in the same target directory.
<source lang="bash">
Line 75: Line 94:
         convert $F -resize ${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT}\! ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/$F
         convert $F -resize ${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT}\! ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/$F
Next, to combine the texture frame with the corresponding depth frame, the following script can be used.
Next, to combine the texture frame with the corresponding depth frame, the following script can be used.
<source lang="bash">
Line 95: Line 115:
         montage -mode concatenate $COLOR $DEPTH ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/${SEQ_NAME}_2dz_1920x540_f${i}.bmp
         montage -mode concatenate $COLOR $DEPTH ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/${SEQ_NAME}_2dz_1920x540_f${i}.bmp
Now we can use WMEncoder or ffmpeg to encode the frames. I personally prefer ffmpeg. We need to generate an uncompressed AVI file from the combined frames. This can be achieved using the following command:
Now we can use WMEncoder or ffmpeg to encode the frames. I personally prefer ffmpeg. We need to generate an uncompressed AVI file from the combined frames. This can be achieved using the following command:
Line 124: Line 144:
== Bino 3D Video Player ==
== Bino 3D Video Player ==
* Bino can read commands from one or multiple script files. Use the '''--read-commands''' option to specify script files. A script file can be a standard text file, but it can also be a named pipe, which allows other programs or scripts to submit commands to Bino as they see fit. The following is an example for executing a script stored in a text file called ''script.txt''. The '''--no-gui''' option is not necessary, but prevents the GUI to remember the changed brightness setting in future sessions.
*:<pre> $ bino --read-commands /path/to/script.txt --no-gui</pre>
* GL/gl.h is the base OpenGL header file, which give you OpenGL-1.1 function and token declarations, and maybe more. For anything going beyond version 1.1, you must use the OpenGL extension mechanism. Since this is a tedious task, it has been automated by the GLEW project, which offers all the dirty details packed up in a easy to use library. The declarations of this library are found in the header file GL/glew.h. Since OpenGL extensions don't make sense without basic OpenGL, the GLEW header implicitly includes the regular OpenGL header, so as of including GL/glew.h you no longer need to include GL/gl.h.
* With OpenGL, the default method to display stereoscopic 3D content is OpenGL quad buffered stereo, often used with active shutter glasses. However, graphics card manufacturers tend to enable this output technique only on expensive high end hardware. The default output technique for stereoscopic 3D input is OpenGL quad buffered stereo if the graphics card supports it, otherwise red/cyan anaglyph glasses.
* Code structure:
** dispatch.h: Defines the following classes:
*** '''command''' A command that can be sent to the dispatch by a controller.
*** '''dispatch''' The dispatch (singleton). Contains a vector of ''controller'' objects. It also has a reference to ''player'', ''media_input'', ''video_output'', ''audio_output'', and ''gui'' objects. Important methods include:
**** init() Takes an open_input_data object as an argument
**** register_controller() and deregister_controller()
**** receive_cmd()
**** process_all_events()
**** get_media_input(), get_video_output(), and get_audio_output()
**** step()
*** '''controller''' The controller interface.  A controller can send commands to the dispatch (e.g. "pause", "seek", "set_saturation", "adjust colors", ...). The dispatch then reacts on this command, and sends a notification to all controllers afterwards. The controllers may react on the notification or ignore it. The main functions of this class are:
**** receive_notification() The controller receives notifications through calls to this function.
**** process_events() Calls to this function request that the controller processes the events.
**** send_cmd() Used by the controller to send commands to the player.
*** '''notification''' A notification that can be sent to controllers by the dispatch (signals that the corresponding value has changed).
*** '''open_input_data''' Contains everything that is needed to open a media input.
** command_file.h: Defines the following class:
*** '''command_file''' Extends controller
** video_output.h: Defines the following class:
*** '''video_output''' Extends controller. The class defines a number of private GL helper functions. Two frames are managed internally by the video_output class (a 2-elements array of video_frame), each with its own set of properties etc. The active frame is the one that is displayed, the other frame is the one that is prepared for display. Each frame contains a left view and may contain a right view. This class also has a member variable referring to the rendering parameters. The parameters are obtained from the dispatch in the display_current_frame() method. The main defined functions are:
**** set_suitable_size() Set a video area size suitable for the given input/output settings.
**** prepare_next_frame() Prepare a new frame for display.
**** activate_next_frame() Switch to the next frame (make it the current one).
**** display_current_frame() Overloaded function. This function is very important as the implementation is responsible for rendering the frames using OpenGL according to the chosen output layout. Check implementation and calls to glWindowPos2i() and glDrawPixels(). At the beginning of the function, the rendering parameters are first obtained from the dispatch object. The stereo mode is set based on stereo_mode parameter passed when calling this function.
** video_output_qt.h: Defines the following classes:
*** '''gl_thread''' Extends QThread
*** '''video_output_qt_widget''' Extends QGLWidget
*** '''video_container_widget''' Extends both QWidget and controller
*** '''video_output_qt''' Extends video_output
** media_data.h: Defines the following classes:
*** '''device_request''' Extends serializable
*** '''parameters''' Extends serializable. Contains enumerations for ''stereo layout'' (describes how left and right view are stored) and ''stereo_mode'' (the output mode for left and right view).
*** '''video_frame'''
*** '''audio_blob'''
*** '''subtitle_box''' Extends serializable
** media_object.h: Defines the following class:
*** '''media_object'''
** player.h: Defines the following class:
*** '''player'''
** gui.h: Defines the following classes:
*** '''audio_dialog''' Extends QDialog and contoller
*** '''color_dialog''' Extends QDialog and contoller
*** '''controls_widget''' Extends QWidget and contoller
*** '''in_out_widget''' Extends QWidget and contoller
*** '''full_screen_dialog''' Extends QDialog and contoller
*** '''crosstalk_dialog''' Extends QDialog and contoller
*** '''quality_dialog''' Extends QDialog and contoller
*** '''zoom_dialog''' Extends QDialog and contoller
*** '''subtitle_dialog''' Extends QDialog and contoller
*** '''video_dialog''' Extends QDialog and contoller
*** '''sdi_output_dialog''' Extends QDialog and contoller
*** '''open_device'''_dialog Extends QDialog
*** '''main_window''' Extends QMainWindow and contoller
*** '''gui''' Contains a reference to the main_window object
** main.h: Contains the main() function.
== DASHEncoder ==
* One dash segment can have multiple MP4 fragments (subsegmentes in DASH terminology). So one may generate segments with multiple subsegments. More information about this [http://gpac.wp.institut-telecom.fr/2011/02/02/mp4box-fragmentation-segmentation-splitting-and-interleaving/ here]. The input can be any file you like: If you compile x264 with gpac support it can read any MP4 file, otherwise just YUV files work. If you want to do an transcoding from any other format use the ffmpeg-input pipe option. '''Gop:''' Amount of frames for an group of pictures. It’s usually a multiple of the framerate. It makes sense to synchronize it with the segment length, e.g. 24 fps with a gop size of 48 and a segment length of 2 sec. '''scenecut:''' is the automatic IDR frame placement of x264 based on scene cut detection. By setting it to 0, it is desabled and the IDR frame is set by the '''-keyint''' parameter. '''passes:''' the amount of encoding passes. 1 pass is used for VBV mode of x264 … 2 passes for CBR mode of x264. More Information about x264 parameters can be found [http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings here].
: Defines the AnyOption class. The internal state of an object from this class hold an in-memory representation of the configuration options.
: Contains the main() function. Upon starting the program, the parse() function is called. The parse() function creates an AnyOption object and calls two methods in that object: one to parse the configuration file, and one to parse the command-line parameters. After this step, MPDGenerator and MP4BoxMultiplexer objects are created, as well as one of the concrete implementations of AbstractVideoEncoder (e.g., x264Encoder). For video encoding, the program iterates over each bit rate defined in the ''bitrate'' string in the configuration. For each bitrate, the video encoder is configured for that bitrate and the encode() method of the AbstractVideoEncoder object is invoked. After encoding, a folder is created to hold the DASH-encoded representation to be generated. The video bitstream is moved to that folder. If an AV mux combination is specified, the audio files are copied to the folder. The convertMPDs() function converts the MPDs to actual standard.
== libdash ==
* When attempting to build ''libdash'' from source, I got the following error when configuring using '''cmake''':
*:<pre> CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:91 (MESSAGE): &#10; Could NOT find CURL (missing: CURL_LIBRARY CURL_INCLUDE_DIR) </pre>
*:This was resolved by installing one of the following packages: ''libcurl4-gnutls-dev'' or ''libcurl4-openssl-dev'' (depending on the SSL implementation you like to use).
* When attempting to configure and build the ''sampleplayer'', the following error was encountered:
*:<pre>/usr/local/include/libavutil/common.h: In function ‘int32_t av_clipl_int32_c(int64_t)’: &#10; /usr/local/include/libavutil/common.h:173:47: error: ‘UINT64_C’ was not declared in this scope</pre>
*:This was because '''cmake''' is not adding '''CXXFLAGS=-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS''' when generating the Makefile. This can be resolved by adding the following line after the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH line in the ''CMakeLists.txt'' file of the ''sampleplayer''.
* Another error that is encountered in the ''sampleplayer::decoder::LibavDecoder::decode()'' method when building the ''sampleplayer'' was:
*:<pre>error: ‘Sleep’ was not declared in this scope</pre>
*:The ''Sleep()'' function is a Windows C++ function. One alternative to this function in Linux is ''usleep()''. This requires adding compiler directive to selectively choose one of the two functions based on the OS.
*:<source lang="cpp"> #if defined _WIN32 || defined _WIN64 &#10;  Sleep((1 / (double)this->framerate) * 1000); &#10; #else &#10;  usleep((1 / (double)this->framerate) * 1000000); &#10; #endif</source>
* To build the sampleplayer along with libdash, we need to edit the CMakeLists.txt by adding the following line:
*:However, because the SDL headers included with ''libdash'' are intended for Windows, we get the following error when reaching the ''sampleplayer'' code when compiling:
*:<pre>/libdash/sdl/include/SDL_config_minimal.h:38:22: error: conflicting declaration ‘typedef unsigned int size_t’ &#10;  /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/include/stddef.h:212:23: error: ‘size_t’ has a previous declaration as ‘typedef long unsigned int size_t’</pre>
*:The SDL header files should never try to redefine ''size_t'' on Linux platforms. We should properly install the SDL development package (libsdl1.2-dev) through apt-get/synaptic and edit the ''CMakeLists.txt'' file to point to the header files location on the system. For example:
* For the Qt sample player that comes with the latest version of libdash. The CMakeLists.txt file seems to be empty since the developers are using Visual Studio. After installing Qt5, which is required by the code, the following CMakeLists.txt file can be used to build it. However, so far there are issues with linking. Note that the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH must be properly set to the location of the CMake modules for Qt5 (/opt/Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/gcc_64/lib/cmake/ in the installation that we used). More useful CMake variables are listed [http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_Useful_Variables here].
*:<pre> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.8) &#10; &#10; set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS")  &#10; # Find includes in corresponding build directories &#10; set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) &#10; # Instruct CMake to run moc automatically when needed. &#10; set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) &#10; &#10; # Find the QtWidgets library &#10; find_package(Qt5Widgets) &#10; find_package(Qt5Core) &#10; find_package(Qt5Gui) &#10; find_package(Qt5Multimedia) &#10; find_package(Qt5MultimediaWidgets) &#10; &#10; include_directories(../libdash/include/) &#10; include_directories(./GeneratedFiles/) &#10; &#10; # Tell CMake to create the helloworld executable &#10; add_executable(qtsampleplayer main.cpp) &#10; &#10; # Use the Widgets module from Qt 5. &#10; qt5_use_modules(qtsampleplayer Core Widgets Gui Multimedia MultimediaWidgets)</pre>
== DASH Options ==
== DASH Options ==
Line 143: Line 254:
** [http://gpac.wp.mines-telecom.fr/ Homepage]
** [http://gpac.wp.mines-telecom.fr/ Homepage]
** [http://records.sigmm.ndlab.net/2012/12/open-source-column-gpac/ Overiew in ACM SIGMM Records]
** [http://records.sigmm.ndlab.net/2012/12/open-source-column-gpac/ Overiew in ACM SIGMM Records]
** Example: Using GPAC to create DASH segments of 2 seconds length for two representations and a bitstream-switching-enabled MPD file:
**:<pre>MP4Box -frag 2000 -dash 2000 -rap -dash-profile main -segment-name dash_%s_ -bs-switching yes -base-url http://server/ -out video ../video_400k.mp4 ../video_600k.mp4</pre>
* [https://github.com/slederer/DASHEncoder DASHEncoder]
* [https://github.com/slederer/DASHEncoder DASHEncoder]
Line 152: Line 265:
* [http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/x264EncodingGuide FFmpeg and x264 Encoding Guide]
* [http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/x264EncodingGuide FFmpeg and x264 Encoding Guide]
** Example: Encoding MSR video sequences views (can use '''-qp 0''' or '''-crf 0''' to encode a lossless output):
** Example: Encoding MSR video sequences views (can use '''-qp 0''' or '''-crf 0''' to encode a lossless output):
**:<pre>ffmpeg -i color-cam2-f%03d.bmp -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 22 -r 10 -c:a copy cam2.mp4</pre>
ffmpeg -i color-cam2-f%03d.bmp -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 22 -r 10 -c:a copy cam2.mp4
== References ==
== References ==

Latest revision as of 21:16, 31 August 2013

This page describes the envisioned free-viewpoint TV system, including: design decisions, useful resources, tools, etc.


  • [Ahmed:8/31] Implemented view synthesis on the GPU using OpenGL and working on integration of different components of the system.
  • [Ahmed:3/24] Main problem we are facing now is getting the decoder to start decoding properly at an arbitrary segment. This functionality is necessary during view switching. This requires first getting the initialization segment and then sequentially fetching segments from a certain position in the stream based on the view switching point. The current implementation creates a DASHReceiver object which starts fetching segments immediately after its creation starting from initialization segment. Each segment is fetched in a separate thread. The decoder object LibavDecoder reads from an in-memory buffer and not from a file.
  • [Ahmed:2/11] Was able to render two frames side-by-side using SDL and OpenGL. Now working on integrating this with the DASH decoder.
  • [Ahmed:2/6] Decided not to use the Bino player and work on implementing our own based on libdash. Managed to build the sample player that comes with libdash after modifications to build configuration files as well as some parts of the source code. The player works and the video is retrieved from the server, decoded, and displayed. I'm working on modifying it to render two video streams side-by-side. Our initial thought was that we can just use SDL to perform the rendering. However, it seems we might need to use OpenGL after all. Displaying video frames in SDL is achieved using YUV video overlays (SDL_Overlay) and it is not possible to display more than one overlay at the same time. A workaround may be to first merge the two decoded YUV frames side-by-side before drawing them on the overlay. But this must be done on-the-fly. I tried looking into libswscale to perform this, but I couldn't find anything that can help.
  • [Meeting on:2/1]
    • Decided to use Bino player for the end deocding/demo of 3D FTV. There is a plugin for 3D video for VLC but at this time it looks less stable than Bino.
    • For our initial version, decided to use multiple independent AVC encoded streams for streaming the different views. This is going to result in less compression than MVC encoded streams but right now we don't have real time MVC decoding support in any media player.
    • Decided on using the libdash library (which became the MPEG-DASH reference client library in MPEG's meeting this month) for implementing the client side DASH components and adaptation logic. Since, at any given point in time there are going to be two views being downloaded we need two instances of libDASH on the client side
    • Decided to use DASHEncoder for DASH content and MPD generation at server side.
  • [Som:1/28] MySQL is not required for DASHEncoder but it only implements 'isoff-basic-on-demand' profile while we need the 'stereoid' profile. We can start with the MPD described for 3 view video in MPEG-DASH standard[Section G.4, pp 120]. If we leave out audio for the time being, from the code base of DASHEncoder it seems the major work will be in replacing x264 relevant parts with JMVC and updating the MP4Box related parts. Does MP4Box support the files generated by JMVC? if not we need further code to implement the ISOBFF parts for JMVC generated bitstream. This is the first thing we need working : Add H.264/MVC bitsream into mp4 container and check if the mp4 file can be played back by any player. For generating the mvc bistream we should select a test sequence with at least three views (c1,c2,c3) such that (c1+c2) and (c2+c3) produce stereo views.
  • [Ahmed:1/28] Added detailed description of creating proper content for the 3D display.


Project Tree


System Design

The envisioned system will operate as follows:


  • DASH Server
    The DASH server is a Web (HTTP) server hosting the DASH-encoded views of the free-viewpoint video (FVV) and their associated media presentation descriptor (MPD). Each view can have multiple representations, e.g., each representation corresponds to a certain bit rate. The server should support partial GET requests and byte ranges.
    DASH-FTV Client
    The FTV client contains the following modules:
    • FTV player: is a video player capable of rendering stereoscopic video content using on of the common stereo formats, e.g., side-by-side.
    • View Switching Manager: is responsible for handling view switching requests issued by the user and deciding on the video streams to retrieve from the server for the chosen view-point.
    • libdash: handles the parsing of the retrieved MPDs and issueing HTTP requests to get the segments.


During the initialization process, the DASH-FTV client retrieves the MPDs of all the views of the FVV from the DASH server. This enables the client to quickly select different segments from different views at any point in time during playback. Based on the desired view-point, the DASH-FTV client selects two corresponding neighboring views that constitute a stereo pair from that view-point. Using libdash, the client then issues HTTP requests to retrieve a range of segments from the server for the chosen view pair with the same segment indices. The segments are passed to two separate DASH decoder instances running within the client on separate threads. Decoded views are then rendered side-by-side on the display. When the display is in 3D-mode, the stereo video will be perceived properly by the viewer.

3D Display

The Dimenco auto-stereoscopic display accepts a 2D+Z image (also known as V+D for videos). The video frame containing the texture component is combined with a depth map. The two components (texture and depth) are concatenated together to after reducing the width of each by half. The video frames are then compressed and the resulting file is renamed with the extension .s3d so that the player can detect that it is in the 2D+Z format. This extension makes sure that the Dimenco 3D Player sets the display in 3D mode with the correct settings. The Dimenco 3D Player can also display 3D images in the 2D+Z format. These images should be RGB (24-bit uncompressed) BMP files that are renamed to have the extension .b3d.

The total resolution for the input video should be 1920x540. The left half (with a resolution of 960x540) contains a 2D RGB image and the the right half (also with a 960x540 resolution) contains a grey scale image representing the depth map. It should be noted that the grey scale image is still a 24-bit (i.e., three channel) picture. Therefore, the R, G, and B bytes of the depth map have the same value.

The first step in preparing the content is resizing each of the two components to a resolution of 960x540. This can be achieved using ImageMagick tools (namely, using the convert utility). An example is given below (note that adding the character ! to the size forces -resize to ignore the aspect ratio and distort the image so it always generates an image exactly the size specified).

convert Dancer_color_1920x1088.bmp -resize 960x540\! Dancer_color_960x540.bmp
convert Dancer_depth_1920x1088.bmp -resize 960x540\! Dancer_depth_960x540.bmp

Once we have the two components in the correct size, we then need to combine them together (side-by-side) into a single image of size 1920x540. This can be done using another ImageMagick utility called montage. Then -mode concatenate option tells montage to just glue the together and the -tile option can be used to specify the layout it should use. If the layout is not specified, the default is to concatenate the images horizontally (side-by-side).

montage -mode concatenate Dancer_color_960x540.bmp Dancer_depth_960x540.bmp Dancer_2dz_1920x540.bmp

Finally, the resulting image should be renamed with the extension .b3d. If the images are frames from a YUV sequence, they can be extracted using ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -s 1920x1088 -i Dancer_c_5_1920x1088.yuv -r 1 -t 00:00:30 -f image2 ~/Dancer_color_1920x1088.bmp
ffmpeg -s 1920x1088 -i Dancer_d_5_1920x1088.yuv -r 1 -t 00:00:30 -f image2 ~/Dancer_depth_1920x1088.bmp

It is mentioned that the frames should be prepared as a sequence of bitmap images. However, I don't believe that this is mandatory. It should be possible to prepare them as YUV sequences as well. But to follow the guidelines, I describe here the process using bitmap images.

The following script performs the resizing on all the frames of one component. It is assumed that the filename of the frame contains its number and the user specifies the range of frames to be resized as well as the target directory to save the resized frames. We can place the resized frames of both components in the same target directory.



for i in `seq -w $FRAME_START $FRAME_END`;
        F=$(echo "${FILENAME}$i.bmp")
        convert $F -resize ${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT}\! ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/$F

Next, to combine the texture frame with the corresponding depth frame, the following script can be used.



for i in `seq -w $FRAME_START $FRAME_END`;
        COLOR=$(echo "color-${FILENAME}$i.bmp")
        DEPTH=$(echo "depth-${FILENAME}$i.bmp")
        montage -mode concatenate $COLOR $DEPTH ${TARGET_DIRECTORY}/${SEQ_NAME}_2dz_1920x540_f${i}.bmp

Now we can use WMEncoder or ffmpeg to encode the frames. I personally prefer ffmpeg. We need to generate an uncompressed AVI file from the combined frames. This can be achieved using the following command:

ffmpeg -i BALLET_2dz_1920x540_f%02d.bmp -vcodec rawvideo -y ballet_2dz_1920x540.avi 

We then perform video compression and place the result in a VOB container.

ffmpeg -i ballet_2dz_1920x540.avi -vcodec mpeg2video -b 24000 -bt 16000 -aspect 32:9 -s 1920x540 -y ballet_2dz_1920x540.s3d.vob

Note: The option -hq was mentioned in the documentation. However, this option seems to be no longer supported by ffmpeg. You can try using -mbd 1 instead of -hq.

Finally, we convert the VOB file to a WMV file. A fairly simple way of doing this is using ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -i filename.vob -vcodec wmv2 -acodec wmav2 -sameq -s 720x576 filename.wmv

JMVC Tutorial


Bino 3D Video Player

  • Bino can read commands from one or multiple script files. Use the --read-commands option to specify script files. A script file can be a standard text file, but it can also be a named pipe, which allows other programs or scripts to submit commands to Bino as they see fit. The following is an example for executing a script stored in a text file called script.txt. The --no-gui option is not necessary, but prevents the GUI to remember the changed brightness setting in future sessions.
     $ bino --read-commands /path/to/script.txt --no-gui
  • GL/gl.h is the base OpenGL header file, which give you OpenGL-1.1 function and token declarations, and maybe more. For anything going beyond version 1.1, you must use the OpenGL extension mechanism. Since this is a tedious task, it has been automated by the GLEW project, which offers all the dirty details packed up in a easy to use library. The declarations of this library are found in the header file GL/glew.h. Since OpenGL extensions don't make sense without basic OpenGL, the GLEW header implicitly includes the regular OpenGL header, so as of including GL/glew.h you no longer need to include GL/gl.h.
  • With OpenGL, the default method to display stereoscopic 3D content is OpenGL quad buffered stereo, often used with active shutter glasses. However, graphics card manufacturers tend to enable this output technique only on expensive high end hardware. The default output technique for stereoscopic 3D input is OpenGL quad buffered stereo if the graphics card supports it, otherwise red/cyan anaglyph glasses.
  • Code structure:
    • dispatch.h: Defines the following classes:
      • command A command that can be sent to the dispatch by a controller.
      • dispatch The dispatch (singleton). Contains a vector of controller objects. It also has a reference to player, media_input, video_output, audio_output, and gui objects. Important methods include:
        • init() Takes an open_input_data object as an argument
        • register_controller() and deregister_controller()
        • receive_cmd()
        • process_all_events()
        • get_media_input(), get_video_output(), and get_audio_output()
        • step()
      • controller The controller interface. A controller can send commands to the dispatch (e.g. "pause", "seek", "set_saturation", "adjust colors", ...). The dispatch then reacts on this command, and sends a notification to all controllers afterwards. The controllers may react on the notification or ignore it. The main functions of this class are:
        • receive_notification() The controller receives notifications through calls to this function.
        • process_events() Calls to this function request that the controller processes the events.
        • send_cmd() Used by the controller to send commands to the player.
      • notification A notification that can be sent to controllers by the dispatch (signals that the corresponding value has changed).
      • open_input_data Contains everything that is needed to open a media input.
    • command_file.h: Defines the following class:
      • command_file Extends controller
    • video_output.h: Defines the following class:
      • video_output Extends controller. The class defines a number of private GL helper functions. Two frames are managed internally by the video_output class (a 2-elements array of video_frame), each with its own set of properties etc. The active frame is the one that is displayed, the other frame is the one that is prepared for display. Each frame contains a left view and may contain a right view. This class also has a member variable referring to the rendering parameters. The parameters are obtained from the dispatch in the display_current_frame() method. The main defined functions are:
        • set_suitable_size() Set a video area size suitable for the given input/output settings.
        • prepare_next_frame() Prepare a new frame for display.
        • activate_next_frame() Switch to the next frame (make it the current one).
        • display_current_frame() Overloaded function. This function is very important as the implementation is responsible for rendering the frames using OpenGL according to the chosen output layout. Check implementation and calls to glWindowPos2i() and glDrawPixels(). At the beginning of the function, the rendering parameters are first obtained from the dispatch object. The stereo mode is set based on stereo_mode parameter passed when calling this function.
    • video_output_qt.h: Defines the following classes:
      • gl_thread Extends QThread
      • video_output_qt_widget Extends QGLWidget
      • video_container_widget Extends both QWidget and controller
      • video_output_qt Extends video_output
    • media_data.h: Defines the following classes:
      • device_request Extends serializable
      • parameters Extends serializable. Contains enumerations for stereo layout (describes how left and right view are stored) and stereo_mode (the output mode for left and right view).
      • video_frame
      • audio_blob
      • subtitle_box Extends serializable
    • media_object.h: Defines the following class:
      • media_object
    • player.h: Defines the following class:
      • player
    • gui.h: Defines the following classes:
      • audio_dialog Extends QDialog and contoller
      • color_dialog Extends QDialog and contoller
      • controls_widget Extends QWidget and contoller
      • in_out_widget Extends QWidget and contoller
      • full_screen_dialog Extends QDialog and contoller
      • crosstalk_dialog Extends QDialog and contoller
      • quality_dialog Extends QDialog and contoller
      • zoom_dialog Extends QDialog and contoller
      • subtitle_dialog Extends QDialog and contoller
      • video_dialog Extends QDialog and contoller
      • sdi_output_dialog Extends QDialog and contoller
      • open_device_dialog Extends QDialog
      • main_window Extends QMainWindow and contoller
      • gui Contains a reference to the main_window object
    • main.h: Contains the main() function.


  • One dash segment can have multiple MP4 fragments (subsegmentes in DASH terminology). So one may generate segments with multiple subsegments. More information about this here. The input can be any file you like: If you compile x264 with gpac support it can read any MP4 file, otherwise just YUV files work. If you want to do an transcoding from any other format use the ffmpeg-input pipe option. Gop: Amount of frames for an group of pictures. It’s usually a multiple of the framerate. It makes sense to synchronize it with the segment length, e.g. 24 fps with a gop size of 48 and a segment length of 2 sec. scenecut: is the automatic IDR frame placement of x264 based on scene cut detection. By setting it to 0, it is desabled and the IDR frame is set by the -keyint parameter. passes: the amount of encoding passes. 1 pass is used for VBV mode of x264 … 2 passes for CBR mode of x264. More Information about x264 parameters can be found here.
Defines the AnyOption class. The internal state of an object from this class hold an in-memory representation of the configuration options.
Contains the main() function. Upon starting the program, the parse() function is called. The parse() function creates an AnyOption object and calls two methods in that object: one to parse the configuration file, and one to parse the command-line parameters. After this step, MPDGenerator and MP4BoxMultiplexer objects are created, as well as one of the concrete implementations of AbstractVideoEncoder (e.g., x264Encoder). For video encoding, the program iterates over each bit rate defined in the bitrate string in the configuration. For each bitrate, the video encoder is configured for that bitrate and the encode() method of the AbstractVideoEncoder object is invoked. After encoding, a folder is created to hold the DASH-encoded representation to be generated. The video bitstream is moved to that folder. If an AV mux combination is specified, the audio files are copied to the folder. The convertMPDs() function converts the MPDs to actual standard.


  • When attempting to build libdash from source, I got the following error when configuring using cmake:
     CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:91 (MESSAGE): 
     Could NOT find CURL (missing: CURL_LIBRARY CURL_INCLUDE_DIR) 
    This was resolved by installing one of the following packages: libcurl4-gnutls-dev or libcurl4-openssl-dev (depending on the SSL implementation you like to use).
  • When attempting to configure and build the sampleplayer, the following error was encountered:
    /usr/local/include/libavutil/common.h: In function ‘int32_t av_clipl_int32_c(int64_t)’: 
     /usr/local/include/libavutil/common.h:173:47: error: ‘UINT64_C’ was not declared in this scope
    This was because cmake is not adding CXXFLAGS=-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS when generating the Makefile. This can be resolved by adding the following line after the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH line in the CMakeLists.txt file of the sampleplayer.
  • Another error that is encountered in the sampleplayer::decoder::LibavDecoder::decode() method when building the sampleplayer was:
    error: ‘Sleep’ was not declared in this scope
    The Sleep() function is a Windows C++ function. One alternative to this function in Linux is usleep(). This requires adding compiler directive to selectively choose one of the two functions based on the OS.
     #if defined _WIN32 || defined _WIN64 &#10;   Sleep((1 / (double)this->framerate) * 1000); &#10; #else &#10;   usleep((1 / (double)this->framerate) * 1000000); &#10; #endif
  • To build the sampleplayer along with libdash, we need to edit the CMakeLists.txt by adding the following line:
    However, because the SDL headers included with libdash are intended for Windows, we get the following error when reaching the sampleplayer code when compiling:
    /libdash/sdl/include/SDL_config_minimal.h:38:22: error: conflicting declaration ‘typedef unsigned int size_t’ 
      /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/include/stddef.h:212:23: error: ‘size_t’ has a previous declaration as ‘typedef long unsigned int size_t’
    The SDL header files should never try to redefine size_t on Linux platforms. We should properly install the SDL development package (libsdl1.2-dev) through apt-get/synaptic and edit the CMakeLists.txt file to point to the header files location on the system. For example:
  • For the Qt sample player that comes with the latest version of libdash. The CMakeLists.txt file seems to be empty since the developers are using Visual Studio. After installing Qt5, which is required by the code, the following CMakeLists.txt file can be used to build it. However, so far there are issues with linking. Note that the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH must be properly set to the location of the CMake modules for Qt5 (/opt/Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/gcc_64/lib/cmake/ in the installation that we used). More useful CMake variables are listed here.
     cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.8) 
     # Find includes in corresponding build directories 
     # Instruct CMake to run moc automatically when needed. 
     # Find the QtWidgets library 
     # Tell CMake to create the helloworld executable 
     add_executable(qtsampleplayer main.cpp) 
     # Use the Widgets module from Qt 5. 
     qt5_use_modules(qtsampleplayer Core Widgets Gui Multimedia MultimediaWidgets)

DASH Options

  • Apple's HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)

Software and Data

  • Joint Multiview Video Coder (JMVC)
  • GPAC
    • Homepage
    • Overiew in ACM SIGMM Records
    • Example: Using GPAC to create DASH segments of 2 seconds length for two representations and a bitstream-switching-enabled MPD file:
      MP4Box -frag 2000 -dash 2000 -rap -dash-profile main -segment-name dash_%s_ -bs-switching yes -base-url http://server/ -out video ../video_400k.mp4 ../video_600k.mp4
  • Bino 3D video player
  • FFmpeg and x264 Encoding Guide
    • Example: Encoding MSR video sequences views (can use -qp 0 or -crf 0 to encode a lossless output):
      ffmpeg -i color-cam2-f%03d.bmp -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 22 -r 10 -c:a copy cam2.mp4


  • A. Vetro and I. Sodagar, The MPEG-DASH Standard for Multimedia Streaming over the Internet, IEEE Multimedia, 2011
  • T. Stockhammer, Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP - Standards and Design Principles, Proc. of ACM Multimedia Systems, 2011
  • Deliverable 5.2: Media Signalling Specification for 3D Video Content Types, COAST Project
  • G. Park, J. Lee, G. Lee, and K. Kim, Efficient 3D Adaptive HTTP Streaming Scheme over Internet TV, Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB), 2012
  • C. Müller and C. Timmerer, A VLC Media Player Plugin enabling Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, Proc. of ACM Multimedia, 2011