Difference between revisions of "Private:progress-rahman"

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* Still exploring the OPNET code specifically the resource allocation part. It is too large and complicated as it involves physical layer heavily.
* Still exploring the OPNET code specifically the resource allocation part. It is too large and complicated as it involves physical layer heavily.
* Wrote a parser to generate frames out of OPNET debugging information. It will help to visualize different frames.
* Wrote a parser to generate frames out of OPNET debugging information. It will help to visualize different frames.
=== June 24 ===
=== June 24 ===

Revision as of 10:38, 15 July 2012

Summer 2012 (TA)

  • Courses: None

July 9

  • Experimented with the OPNET Lab to control the range of eNodeBs with FTP and Voice applications.
  • Still exploring the OPNET code specifically the resource allocation part. It is too large and complicated as it involves physical layer heavily.
  • Wrote a parser to generate frames out of OPNET debugging information. It will help to visualize different frames.

June 24

  • Explored utility curve for various applications as we have a plan to consider a mixture of different types of applications instead of a single type application with benefit of real time applications in mind.
  • Still exploring the code and doing experimental modifications to learn different aspects. I found forum support for OPNET poor as no replies in the forum yet. I emailed my queries to support and they replied, "your organization's maintenance contract with OPNET has expired".
  • Explored some OPNET labs from OPNETWORK 2010 and 2011 covering OPNET Modeler and LTE to gain some more details about OPNET and LTE in OPNET. Since, we don't have maintenance license, I requested one of my friends in Engineering school who's lab has OPNET maintenance license to download those labs for me.

June 10

  • Looking into the coding details in OPNET.
  • The initial plan is to implement the basic load balancing user association rule and compare the results with two cell search algorithms namely First suitable cell and Best suitable cell for which built in support is provided in OPNET. Then we will devote more concentration to the design of more robust algorithm and implement that.
  • Getting a bit problem finding out eNodeB load and looking into more details in the code. Posted into OPNET forum with no replies and that's why digging into more details.

May 29

  • Studied Mobility Management/Handover in Macrocell/femtocell LTE networks. The main challenges lie within hand-in (handover from macrocell to femtocell) which itself is another research field. It has issues like discovering neighboring femto BS, admission control and selection of appropriate femto cell for handover.
  • Looked into Nokia's approach (they mainly discussed various parameters without discussing the inner details of their approach i.e. working methodology).
  • Designing LTE network in OPNET.

May 15

  • Installed OPNET and completed Basic and Advanced tutorials under Modeler Tutorials.
  • Explored LTE Model Library (could not run on OPNET as we don't have LTE license and Saleh has contacted them about this)
  • Looking into Mobility Management for Femtocells.

Spring 2012 (RA)

  • Courses:
    • CMPT-880: Special Topics in Computer Graphics, HCI, Computer Vision, and Visualization (Medical Image Analysis)
    • CMPT-886: Special Topics in Operating Systems

May 1

  • Completed the survey and reported to Abdul Hasib.
  • Working with user-association and OPNET with Abdul Hasib.

April 17

  • Working with Abdul Hasib on LTE-Advanced HetNet and explored some potential research fields.
  • Cost effective deployment of relay/femto cells.
  • User association to macro/micro cell to improve performance.
  • Carrier component allocation to improve fairness, reduce interference.
  • Working on to create literature review and going to explore Facility Location Optimization (MITACS) as well.

March 27

  • Working with Abdul Hasib on LTE-Advanced Resource Allocation and Interference Management.

February 17

  • Concluded applicability of MapReduce to BioInformatics dataset with some comments.
  • Read the report of Ahmed Hamza and discussed with him to get acquainted with the task of 3D video processing primitives on cloud platforms.
  • Explored open source solutions to figure out some which can be helpful for 3D video processing primitives.
  • Discussed with Ahmed about the strategy in search of an appropriate solution.
  • Here is the report.

January 27

  • Ran some experiments on Fei Gao's thesis work to get acquainted with it.
  • Exploring different techniques to speed up similarity measurement in BioInformatics data e.g. DNA/RNA sequences report.
  • The two 8 level courses consuming too much time and the initial shuffle between TA/RA
  • I believe things will improve from next week.
  • Planning to explore a bit more on existing approaches with BioInformatics data including kernel based clustering algorithms as those are closely related with Fei Gao's work with comments from Wael Abd-Almageed, Ph.D in mind.

January 4

  • Read the thesis paper of Fei Gao and generated the report.
  • Planning to run some experiments on Fei Gao's work in the cluster of our Lab.

Fall 2011 (RA)

  • Courses:
    • CMPT-705: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
    • CMPT-726: Machine Learning

December 29

  • Discussed with Fei Gao about his research work and BioInformatics data.
  • Reading the thesis paper of Fei Gao.

November 22

  • Created Azure sample application using Azure storage and tested using my free azure test account.
  • Explored abstracts and introductions of papers to find out some papers with unexplored materials to be read.
  • Spent some time to figure out Machine Learning Project related to my research field.
  • Produced the report.

November 9

  • Read a couple of more papers thoroughly to cover another dimension and generated the report.
  • Planning to look for any new idea that is not covered by looking into papers.
  • Also planning to look into details of some development module like Merkel trees etc.

October 25

  • Went through some papers (only the 1st phase reading) to decide some more papers to read and learn.
  • Read a couple of more papers thoroughly and analyzed all the papers read so far.
  • Created the report.

October 11

  • Read several more papers and generated corresponding report.

September 23

  • Read a few more papers.
  • Created initial report on my reading.

September 6

  • Wrote some sample programs on Azure for both VS 2008 and VS 2010
  • Went through the paper "Ensuring Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing" as part of the survey