Private:3DV Remote Rendering

Revision as of 17:21, 22 January 2011 by Aah10 (talk | contribs)

Here we describe the components of a 3D video remote rendering system for mobile devices based on cloud computing services. We also discuss the main design choices and challenges that need to be addressed in such a system.

The system will be composed of three main components:

  • Mobile receiver(s)
  • Adaptation proxy
  • View synthesis and rendering cloud service

Transmission is to be carried via unicast over an unreliable wireless channel. A feedback channel would be necessary between the receiver and the proxy. This channel would be utilized to send information about current/desired viewpoint, buffer status, and network conditions.

Because of the limited wireless bandwidth, we need efficient and adaptive compression of transmitted views/layers. In addition, an unequal error protection (UEP) technique will be required to overcome the unreliable nature of the wireless channel.

Based on receiver feedback, the adaptation proxy is responsible for selecting the best views to send to the receiver, perform rate adaptation based on current network conditions, and encode them efficiently. We can utilize RD-optimization techniques for rate adaptation.

  • What is the format of the stored video files?
  • How many views (and possible depth maps) need to be sent to the receiver?
    • two views (receiver needs to construct a disparity/depth map and synthesize intermediate views)
    • two views + two depth maps (receiver can then synthesize any intermediate view between the received ones)
    • one view + depth map (yields a limited view synthesis range)
  • What compression format should be used to compress the texture images of the views?
  • What compression format is efficient for compressing the depth maps without affecting the quality of synthesized views?
    • Will MVC be suitable for depth maps?
  • How much will quality reduction of one of the views to reduce bandwidth affect the synthesis process at the receiver side?
    • Will the effect be significant given that receiver's display size is small?