
Revision as of 11:49, 13 September 2011 by Abukhams (talk | contribs)

Fall 2011

  • Courses:
    • CMPT 880 Programming Parallel and Distributed Systems

September 12

  • Working on my research progress report

Summer 2011

  • Courses:
    • CMPT 777 Formal Verification

June 17

Studying for the final

June 6

No update

May 8

Beside my course work, I am planning to contunue work on my project. Check the latest report. [1]

Spring 2011

  • Courses:
    • CMPT 771 Internet Arch and Protocols
    • CMPT 886 Special Topics Operating Syst

April 8

Plotted the initial result of an experiment that supports the claim that process network traffic is correlated to execution times which makes network traffic a good metric for performance degradation due to interconnect contention. What is left is to run the experiment two more times to confirm the results.

Mar 14

  • Work on Course Projects.
  • Experiment with a tool that measure network traffic per process on HPC systems to use it on my project.


  • Work on Course Projects.
  • Read about power consumption effects on multi-core system performance.

Mar 1

  • Work on Course Projects.
  • Prepare description for my new research project.


  • I have been working on "Top Ten Computationally-Complex Problems in Oil and Gas Exploration Filed" survey and trying to enrich my overall knowledge about the subject. I am focusing right now on applications based on seismic data and have written an introduction about it in the report [2]
  • I have also found a very interesting book "Soft Computing and Intelligent Data Analysis in Oil Exploration" by M. Nikravesh, L.A. Zadeh, Fred Aminzadeh [3]. It is mainly about solving petroleum engineering problems using artificial intelligent techniques, which I think can lead me to find interesting research topic.

Fall 2010

  • Courses:
    • CMPT 705 Design/Analysis Algorithms
    • CMPT 741 Data Mining