Private:cloud computing reading list
receivers to turn off their wireless interfaces for longer periods of time in order to save energy. We construct the burst transmission schedules that reduce the energy consumption without sacrificing the video quality or introducing any buffer overflow or underflow instances. We rigorously evaluate the proposed algorithms using simulation and mathematical analysis.
Discussion and Ideas
Reading List
- Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud. Computing, UC Berkley TR, 2009.
- Toward a Unified Ontology of Cloud Computing GCE 2008.
- Market-Oriented Cloud Computing: Vision, Hype, and Reality for Delivering IT Services as Computing Utilities HPCC 2008
Cloud Architectures:
- Xen and the Art of Virtualization SOSP 2003.
- Scalable SQL and NoSQL data stores, SIGMOD 2010.
- Satori: Englightened Page Sharing ATC 2009
Cloud Economics:
- Some fundamentals of price theory for computer services SIGMETRICS 1976
- Evaluating the Impact of Inaccurate Information in Utility-Based Scheduling SC 09
Programming for Cloud:
- Map Reduce:
Multimedia systems and applications in Cloud:
Multimedia Content Distribution: