
Revision as of 13:44, 6 May 2011 by Tdameh (talk | contribs)

Summer 2011 (TA)

  • Research: Gram Matrix approximation

May 5

  • Recap
    • Problem: kernel methods' gram matrix is O(N^2), which is computational and memory usage infeasible for large-scale datasets
    • Previous Work:
      • Low rank matrix approximation:
        • using EigemDecomposition: Optimal solution
          • Problem: requires O(N^3) computation to construct the low rank matrix
          • Solution: use Nytsrom theorem to approximate the EigenDecomposition of the matrix which requires O(m^2N) where m << N.
          • Problem: In this methods in despite of reducing the computation complexity still we need O(N^2) to store the matrix, so the next methods reduce both computation and memory.
      • Efficient implementation for computing the kernel matrix:
        • Using Spatial Indexing:
          • using Z-order, H-order, kd-tress and other spatial indexing techniques to order the points in the space and then using sliding window where the kernel function computed only between points in that window.
          • Problems: requires O(NlogN) as preprocessing to order the points, fails for very high dimensional Data and hard to parallel
          • Solution: We proposed a method that works fine for large-scale and highly dimensional data that overcomes all pervious works drawbacks, easy to parallel, requires linear time preprocessing and reduce both computation and memory usage down form quadratic to subquadratic:
        • Using Spatial Hashing or Locality sensitive hashing: where the kernel function and the cluster methods works on the buckets individually.
          • LSH families :
            • Random projection:
              • Hamming distance, Euclidean Distance, Cosine Distance
              • Problem: They assume data uniformly distributed solution:
              • Spectral Hashing: overcomes previous families problems
              • General Problem for random projection, it doesn’t take in account if data are in a kernel space, Solution:
          • Kernelized LSH : Problem: more complex to compute
    • In progress: Comparing different LSH families

Spring 2011 (TA/RA)

  • Courses:
    • CMPT 885: Special Topics in Computer Architecture
    • CMPT 886: Special Topics in Operating Systems

Fall 2010 (FAS-GF/RA)

  • Courses:
    • CMPT 705: Design/Analysis Algorithms
    • CMPT 820: Multimedia Systems
  • Worked on Gram matrix approximation, High Performance/large scale application case studies

Summer 2010 (TA)

  • Worked on large Scale Kernel methods

Spring 2010 (RA)

  • Courses:
    • CMPT 768: Sound Synthesis
  • Worked on Locality sensitive hashing families and their applications and implementations