
Revision as of 23:44, 15 May 2012 by Masumr (talk | contribs)

Summer 2012 (TA)

  • Courses: None

May 15

  • Installed OPNET and completed Basic and Advanced tutorials under Modeler Tutorials.
  • Explored LTE Model Library (could not run on OPNET as we don't have LTE license and Saleh has contacted them about this)
  • Looking into Mobility Management for Femtocells.

Spring 2012 (RA)

  • Courses:
    • CMPT-880: Special Topics in Computer Graphics, HCI, Computer Vision, and Visualization (Medical Image Analysis)
    • CMPT-886: Special Topics in Operating Systems

May 1

  • Completed the survey and reported to Abdul Hasib.
  • Working with user-association and OPNET with Abdul Hasib.

April 17

  • Working with Abdul Hasib on LTE-Advanced HetNet and explored some potential research fields.
  • Cost effective deployment of relay/femto cells.
  • User association to macro/micro cell to improve performance.
  • Carrier component allocation to improve fairness, reduce interference.
  • Working on to create literature review and going to explore Facility Location Optimization (MITACS) as well.

March 27

  • Working with Abdul Hasib on LTE-Advanced Resource Allocation and Interference Management.

February 17

  • Concluded applicability of MapReduce to BioInformatics dataset with some comments.
  • Read the report of Ahmed Hamza and discussed with him to get acquainted with the task of 3D video processing primitives on cloud platforms.
  • Explored open source solutions to figure out some which can be helpful for 3D video processing primitives.
  • Discussed with Ahmed about the strategy in search of an appropriate solution.
  • Here is the report.

January 27

  • Ran some experiments on Fei Gao's thesis work to get acquainted with it.
  • Exploring different techniques to speed up similarity measurement in BioInformatics data e.g. DNA/RNA sequences report.
  • The two 8 level courses consuming too much time and the initial shuffle between TA/RA
  • I believe things will improve from next week.
  • Planning to explore a bit more on existing approaches with BioInformatics data including kernel based clustering algorithms as those are closely related with Fei Gao's work with comments from Wael Abd-Almageed, Ph.D in mind.

January 4

  • Read the thesis paper of Fei Gao and generated the report.
  • Planning to run some experiments on Fei Gao's work in the cluster of our Lab.

Fall 2011 (RA)

  • Courses:
    • CMPT-705: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
    • CMPT-726: Machine Learning

December 29

  • Discussed with Fei Gao about his research work and BioInformatics data.
  • Reading the thesis paper of Fei Gao.

November 22

  • Created Azure sample application using Azure storage and tested using my free azure test account.
  • Explored abstracts and introductions of papers to find out some papers with unexplored materials to be read.
  • Spent some time to figure out Machine Learning Project related to my research field.
  • Produced the report.

November 9

  • Read a couple of more papers thoroughly to cover another dimension and generated the report.
  • Planning to look for any new idea that is not covered by looking into papers.
  • Also planning to look into details of some development module like Merkel trees etc.

October 25

  • Went through some papers (only the 1st phase reading) to decide some more papers to read and learn.
  • Read a couple of more papers thoroughly and analyzed all the papers read so far.
  • Created the report.

October 11

  • Read several more papers and generated corresponding report.

September 23

  • Read a few more papers.
  • Created initial report on my reading.

September 6

  • Wrote some sample programs on Azure for both VS 2008 and VS 2010
  • Went through the paper "Ensuring Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing" as part of the survey