2D to 3D Video Conversion

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  • Kiana Calagari
  • Mohamed Hefeeda


A wide spread adoption of 3D displays is hindered by the lack of content that matches the user expectations. Producing 3D videos is far more costly and time-consuming than regular 2D videos, which makes it challenging and thus rarely attempted, especially for live events, such as soccer games. In this project we develop a high-quality automated 2D-to-3D conversion method for soccer videos. Our method is data driven, relying on a reference database of 3D videos. Our key insight is that we use computer generated depth from current computer sports games for creating a synthetic 3D database.


The proposed 2D-to-3D conversion system
The proposed conversion system

The effect of each step in our depth estimation technique: (a) Query, (b) A subset of its K candidates, (c) Created matched image, (d) Object boundary cuts, (e) Depth estimation using Poisson reconstruction, (f) Gradient refinement and Poisson reconstruction, (g) Depth with object boundary cuts, (h) Final depth estimation with smoothness, and (i) The zoomed and amplified version of the yellow block in h.


K. Calagari, M. Elgharib, P. Didyk, A. Kaspar, W. Matusik, and M. Hefeeda, “Gradient-based 2D-to-3D Conversion for Soccer Videos”, In Proc. of the ACM Multimedia (MM’15), p 331-340, 2015.