Use Case Analysis
Simple use cases for configuring the test bed.
Last modified: Yi Liu 1:45am, Oct 2, 2008
User wants to add a new Video file to the repository
- Pre-condition: The video file does not belong to the current video repository
- On webpage, user clicks on the "Upload" tab.
- Select video to be uploaded from local computer.
- Enter assigned PID - Provider ID for the video. Example: 0x777
- Enter assigned multicast IP for the video. Example:
- Maybe need to consider the corresponding ESG file as well? TBD here
- Click Upload
- Web browser can post video file and data to the test bed server.
- Web GUI create a new file folder for each uploaded video file and store the video there. (as well as its corresponding ESG?)
- Web GUI write the video file path to a config file, (Cong can decide how we implement this part)
- User waits for the browser to refresh.
- The system confirms the video file was uploaded.
- User goes to "Video Files" tab and can confirm the new uploaded video file is available in the repository.
- Post-condition: The video file is added to the video repository
- Note: this part is all handled by web GUI
User want to update DVB-H Network Parameters
- Pre-condition: DVB-H broadcast system stopped, since we got status function in webpage, this means DtPlay process must be in "stopped" status
- User clicks on "DVB-H Parameters" tab
- User sets the Carrier Frequency value, for example 538Mhz (possible values are integers between 470 and 750)
- Update dvbhparams.cfg with "Carrier_Frequency=538"
- Backend script will add "-mf 538" to DtPlay
- User sets the Convolutional Rate value, for example 1/2 (possible values are 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7 or 7/8)
- Update dvbhparams.cfg with "Convolutional_Rate=1/2"
- Backend script will add "-mc 1/2" to DtPlay
- User sets the Guadr interval value, for example 1/4 (possible values are 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 or 1/32)
- Update dvbhparams.cfg with "Gaurd_Interval=1/4"
- Backend script will add "-mG 1/4" to DtPlay
- User selects the bandwidth, for example 8 (possible values are 5 6 7 or 8)
- Update dvbhparams.cfg with "Bandwidth=8"
- Backend script will add "-mB 8" to DtPlay
- User selects the constellation, for example QPSK (possible values are QPSK QAM16 or QAM64)
- Update dvbhparams.cfg with "Constellation=QPSK"
- Backend script will add "-mC QPSK" to DtPlay
- User selects the transmission mode, for example 8k (possible values are 2k 4k or 8k)
- Update dvbhparams.cfg with "Transmission_Mode=8k"
- Backend script will add "-mT 8k" to DtPlay
- User clicks "Save"
- The system saves the changes to the dvbhparams.cfg configuration file.
- Backend script use the latest configuration from dvbhparams.cfg
- Post-condition: Dtplay parameters got updated.
- Note: Backend script name: API input: dvbhparams.cfg output:, its content is the full command for DtPlay
User wants to update Timeslicing Parameters
- Pre-condition: DVB-H broadcast system stopped, since we got status function in webpage, this means timeslicer process must be in "stopped" status
- User clicks on "Time Slicing" tab
- User selects the MPE_FEC Frame value, for example 1024 (possible values are 256, 512, 768, or 1024)
- Update dvbhparams.cfg with "MPE_FEC_Frame=1024"
- Backend script will add "-n 1024" to timeslicer
- User selects the OFDM guard interval value, for example 8 (possible values are 4, 8, 16, or 32)
- Update dvbhparams.cfg with "OFDM_Guard_Interval=8"
- Backend script will add "-g 8" to timeslicer
- User selects the OFDM bandwidth, for example 8 (possible values are 5, 6, 7, or 8)
- Update dvbhparams.cfg with "OFDM_Bandwidth=8"
- Backend script will add "-b 8" to timeslicer
- User selects the Code Rate, for example 3 (possible values are 1, 2, 3, 5 or 7)
- Update dvbhparams.cfg with "Code_Rate=3"
- Backend script will add "-c 3" to timeslicer
- User selects the constellation, for example qpsk (possible values are qpsk, 16qam, or 64qam)
- Update dvbhparams.cfg with "Constellation=qpsk"
- Backend script will add "-o qpsk" to timeslicer
- User sets the Delta_t value, for example 350 (possible values are integers between 100 and 3000)
- Update dvbhparams.cfg with "DeltaT=350"
- Backend script will add "-d 350" to timeslicer
- User selects the algorithm used, for example P2OPT (this is a faked feature though, may remove later)
- Update dvbhparams.cfg with "Time_Slicing_Algorithm=P2OPT"
- Backend script will not do anything for now :-)
- User clicks "Save"
- The system saves the changes to the timeslicing.cfg configuration file.
- Backend script use the latest configuration from timeslicing.cfg
- Post-condition: timeslicer parameters got updated
- Note: Backend script name: API input: timeslicing.cfg output:, its content is the full command for timeslicer
User selects video to broadcast
- Pre-condition: DVB-H broadcast system stopped, since we got status function in webpage, this means vlc process must be in "stopped" status
- User clicks on the "Video Files" tab.
- The system lists all available video on the server.
- There are 5 tabs for each video file: File name, multicast IP, port used, PID assigned, and its corresponding ESG file name.
- Entries with existing check mark indicates it is currently in use.
- User selects video files that are not marked.
- User selects "Save" to submit the changes to the server.
- The system updates the videoslist.cfg file to reflect the changes.
- Backend script use the latest configuration from videoslist.cfg to update parameters for vlc and dataaggregator
- Post-condition: checkbox of the selected video is checked. vlc and dataaggregator got the correct parameters.
- Note: Backend script name: and API input: videoslist.cfg output:, its content is the full command for vlc API input: videoslist.cfg output:, its content is the full command for dataaggregator
User wants to update PSI/SI Configuration Parameters
- Pre-condition1: DVB-H broadcast system stopped, since we got status function in webpage, this means TS Null Shaper process must be in "stopped" status
- Pre-condition2: There exist selected video file in "Video Files" tab
- User clicks on "PSI/SI" tab
- Web GUI knows which video file are selected and grab the corresponding PID and multicast IP of that video file
- Web GUI saves the total number of video files, each video file name, their multicast IP and its PID to psisi.cfg.
For example: video_num=2 video1=abc.mp4 pid1=0x777 video2=efg.mp4 pid2=0x888 video1_ip= video2_ip=
- User sets service_id value under PMT section, each video file selected needs to have its own service_id value and these values must be different (Web GUI may check the value to make sure they are different) and saves to psisi.cfg
- User sets PMT_id value under PMT section, each video file selected needs to have its own PMT_id value and these values must be different (Web GUI may check the value to make sure they are different) and saves to psisi.cfg
For example: video1_service_id= 0x2B00 video2_service_id= 0x2B01 video1_pmt_id=0x31f video2_pmt_id=0x320
- User clicks "Save"
- The system saves the changes to the psisi.cfg configuration file.
- Backend script use the latest configuration from psisi.cfg to create PSI/SI python scripts (the sequence of the following matters)
- Backend script create new files
- Backend script update
- Backend script update
- Backend script update
- Backend script update
- Post-conditon: all the python scripts for PSI/SI table are ready.
- Note: backend script name: API input: psisi.cfg output: A group of python scripts.
User wants to update ESG
- this part may involve updating Flute FDT table based on ESG file size
User wants to start the DVB-H boradcast system based on current configuration
- Pre-condition: DVB-H broadcast system stopped
- User clicks on "Start DVB-H" button under DVB-H Parameters tab
- The webpage sends HTTP post message to This http post message tells the back end script to start the whole system
- The back end script first do a system call to start vlc
- The back end script then do a system call to start flute (TBD, need to wait for flute part design)
- The back end script then do a system call to start dataaggregator
- The back end script then do a system call to start timeslicer
- The back end script then do a system call to start python scrips and TS Null Shaper.
- The back end script then do a system call to start DtPlay
- User open Nokia N96 cell phone, select mobile TV application and search for channel.
- Post-conditon: User can watch the video on their cell phone, all DVB-H broacast system components are up and running.
- Note: backend script name: /etc/init.d/nsl-dvbh start
User wants to stop the DVB-H boradcast system
- Pre-conditon: User can watch the video on their cell phone, DVB-H broadcast system is up and running.
- User clicks on "Stop DVB-H" button under DVB-H Parameters tab
- The webpage sends HTTP post message to This http post message tells the back end script to terminate the main PSI/SI handler
- The backend script stops the TS NULL Shaper, vlc, timeslicer, dataaggregator, flute, DtPlay
- Post-condition: DVB-H broadcast system stopped
- Note: backend script name: /etc/init.d/nsl-dvbh stop
User wants to add a new video channel in the current playing DVB-H boradcast system
- Pre-conditon1: DVB-H broadcast system is up and running with some programs
- Pre-conditon2: There exist extra video file in video repository and its corresponding parameters have already been configured properly (see the above configuration user case for more detail)
- User clicks on "Add to DVB-H" button under DVB-H Parameters tab
- The webpage sends HTTP post message to This http post message tells the back end script to first stop the DVB-H boradcast system and then start the DVB-H boradcast system
- Post-condition: DVB-H broadcast system is up and running with both previous existing videos and the new added video.
- Note: backend script name: /etc/init.d/nsl-dvbh restart
/etc/init.d/nsl-dvbh <start|stop|restart|status> input: HTTP Post message from web browser output: a feed back message to indicate whether the DVB-H broadcast system is running main function: do system calls to start/stop the following application-- vlc, dataaggregator, flute, timeslicer, python scripts and Dtplay
User wants to remove an existing video channel from the current playing DVB-H boradcast system
- Pre-conditon1: DVB-H broadcast system is up and running with some programs (>=2 programs)
- User select the video file he or she wants to remove
- User clicks on "Remove from DVB-H" button under DVB-H Parameters tab
- The webpage sends HTTP post message to This http post message tells the back end script to kill the vlc process for that specific video file. Other parts of DVB-H boradcast system are not changed
- Post-condition: DVB-H broadcast system is up and running with the selected video channel removed.
- Note: backend script name: API input: video file name, multicast ip and port output: a feed back message to indicate whether the vlc session is killed or not. main function: do a system call to kill a vlc process