pcie sdp

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Socekt Direct Protocol (SDP) over PCI Express Project Page

In this project we designed and implemented the Socket Direct Protocol (SDP) for PCI Express based fabric. SDP is an efficient data transfer protocol alternative to the TCP that utilizes the advanced features available in high performance interconnects such as direct memory access. Our SDP implementation is designed for PLX PCIe switches and supports only two nodes for now. SDP is compatible with Socket/TCP applications yet provides much better performance. It is developed as a Linux kernel module and has been tested under Redhat Linux 5.7.


Installing PCIe Drivers

1. Download the drivers from http://www.plxtech.com/download/file/899/217277 after registrations

2. Unzip the package

# Unzip PLX_SDK_Linux_v6_50_Final_2011-09-30.zip

3. Make sure that you are at the same level as PlxSdk and apply the patch:

Documentation  PlxSdk  PlxSdk.tar
# patch -p1 < ../patch.txt 
patching file PlxSdk/Include/PlxIoctl.h
patching file PlxSdk/Include/Plx_sysdep.h
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Driver/Source.Plx8000/ApiFunc.c
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Driver/Source.Plx8000/ApiFunc.h
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Driver/Source.Plx8000/Dispatch.c
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Driver/Source.Plx8000/Dispatch.c_back
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Driver/Source.Plx8000/DrvDefs.h
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Driver/Source.Plx8000/DrvDefs.h_back
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Driver/Source.Plx8000/PlxInterrupt.c
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Driver/Source.Plx8000/SuppFunc.c
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Driver/Source.PlxDma/Dispatch.c
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Driver/Source.PlxDma/Dispatch.c_back
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Driver/Source.PlxDma/DrvDefs.h
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Driver/Source.PlxDma/DrvDefs.h_back
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Driver/.tmp_versions/PlxDma_dbg.mod
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Samples/ApiTest/ApiTest.c
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Samples/NT_DmaTest/NT_DmaTest.c
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Samples/NT_myTest/Makefile
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Samples/NT_myTest/NT_DmaTest.c
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Samples/NT_myTest/PlxDmaPerf.c
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Samples/PlxDma/PlxDma.c
patching file PlxSdk/Linux/Samples/PlxNotification/PlxNotification.c

4. Make sure that Plx main directory is defined in you environment:

# export PLX_SDK_DIR=/home/ambu50/trunk/Plx_new_download/PlxSdk/

5. Change directory to the drivers folder:

cd Linux/Driver/

6. Run build builddriver:

# ./builddriver 8000
# ./builddriver Dma

7. Load the drivers:

# ../../Bin/Plx_load 8000
# ../../Bin/Plx_load Dma

Installing libsdp Library

1. Download the library http://nsl.cs.sfu.ca/wiki/upload/8/86/Libsdp-1.1.108.tar.gz