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We hold regular meetings for discussion and for every student to update the group on his/her progress. In some of the meetings, graduate students present talks summarizing their research progress so far.
We hold regular meetings (mostly bi-weekly) for discussion. In each meeting, a graduate student will present his/her progress on research. This is followed by 15-20 minute discussion. The presenter can also choose a recent paper and present it to the group. The paper must be from the top conferences/Journals in our research areas, such as, ACM Multimedia, SIGCOMM, INFOCOM, ICNP, IEEE Transactions on Networking, ACM TOMCCAP, and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.  
The meetings are good opportunities for students to practice their presentation skills and to get constructive feedback from the group on their research.  The meetings keep the group members informed about different research problems being addressed in the group. They are also very helpful in finding research topics specially for new students.
Everybody is welcome to attend. Meeting time: 2:30 PM. Location: TASC1 8210
== Summer 2017 ==
* '''5 Jul at 1:30 PM:''' Hamed Ahmadi, TBD
* '''19 Jun:''' Omar Eltobgy, TBD
* '''29 May:''' Mohammed Shatnawi
== Spring 2017 ==
* '''11 Apr:''' Alaa, Event-based Control as a Cloud Service
* '''04 Apr:''' Ahmed Hamza, Quality-aware 3D Video Delivery
* '''28 Mar:''' Kiana, VR Content Generation from Regular Cameras for Sports
* '''14 Mar:''' Khaled, MASH: A Rate Adaptation Algorithm for Multiview Video Streaming over HTTP
== Fall 2016 ==
* <strike>'''13 Dec:'''</strike> '''Canceled''' Ahmed Hamza
* '''29 Nov:''' Tarek, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20161129-nsl_virtual_reality_streaming.pdf Streaming Virtual Reality Content]
* '''15 Nov:''' Saleh, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20161115-ASH.pptx Adaptive Streaming over Heterogeneous Networks]
* '''01 Nov:''' Hamed, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20161101-FVVAdaptiveStreaming.pptx FVV Adaptive Streaming]
* '''18 Oct:''' Alaa, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20161018-EventbasedControlasCloudService.pptx Event-based Control as a Cloud Service]
* '''27 Sep:''' Khaled, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20160927-TelcoCDNsforVideoDelivery.pdf Telco-CDNs for Video Delivery Systems: Overview, Challenges and Opportunities]
== Spring 2016 ==
* '''25 Feb:''' Khaled, Adaptive Multiview Streaming over HTTP
* '''11 Feb:''' Alaa
* '''28 Jan:''' Saleh, Adaptive Multicast Streaming over Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
* '''14 Jan:''' Tarek, ePigeon: Reliable News Videos Upload Over the Cloud
== Fall 2015 ==
* <strike>'''15 Dec:'''</strike> '''Canceled''' Tarek
* <strike>'''01 Dec:'''</strike> '''Canceled''' Tarek
* '''17 Nov:''' Denny
* '''03 Nov:''' Hamza, (present A. El Essaili et al., [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20151103-QoE_HAS_Video_Delivery_LTE.pptx QoE-Based Traffic and Resource Management for Adaptive HTTP Video Delivery in LTE], IEEE TCSVT, 2015)
* '''20 Oct:''' Kiana, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20151020-Gradient2D3DConversion.pptx Gradient-based 2D-to-3D Conversion] (ACM MM'15)
* '''06 Oct:''' Shatnawi (practice MM talk)
* '''29 Sep:''' Denny, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20150929-ResearchKickoffPresentation.pdf Research Objectives During NSL's Visit]
* '''08 Sep:''' Khaled, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20150908-NGVideoStreamingSystems.pptx Next-generation Video Streaming Systems: Overview and Challenges]
== Summer 2015 ==
* '''24 Aug:''' Maram
* '''10 Aug:''' Scott (present Xin Jin et al., [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20150810-DynamicSchedulingNetworkUpdates.pptx Dynamic Scheduling of Network Updates], ACM SIGCOMM'14)
* <strike>'''27 Jul:'''</strike> '''Canceled''' Shatnawi
* <strike>'''13 Jul:'''</strike> '''Canceled''' Scott
* '''29 Jun:''' Alaa, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20150629-IndustrialAutomationCloudService.pptx Industrial Automation as a Cloud Service]
* '''15 Jun:''' Kiana, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20150615-DepthTransfer_DepthExtractionFromVideoNonParametric.pptx DepthTransfer: Depth extraction from video using non-parametric sampling]
* '''01 Jun:''' Saleh  (present Chen et al., [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20150601-AdaptiveVideoStreamingMobileNetworks.pptx A scheduling framework for adaptive video delivery over cellular networks], ACM MobiCom'13)
* <strike>'''19 May'''</strike> '''Canceled'''  Saleh (present Chen et al., A scheduling framework for adaptive video delivery over cellular networks, ACM MobiCom’13)
* '''04 May:'''  Khaled, (present Perry et al., [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20150504-FastpassCenteralizedZQDatacenterNetwork.pptx Fastpass: A Centralized “Zero-Queue” Datacenter Network], ACM SIGCOMM'14)
== Spring 2015 ==
* <strike>'''27 Apr:'''</strike> '''Canceled''' (INFOCOM)
* '''13 Apr:''' Shatnawi (practice INFOCOM talk)
* '''07 Apr:''' Hamza (Practice PhD Proposal Exam) 
* '''16 Mar:''' Kiana, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20150316-DepthCustomization_Anahita.pptx Depth Customization in Anahita]
* '''02 Mar:''' Saleh,  [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20150302-DynamicConfigSFN_MobileStreaming.pptx Dynamic Configuration of Single Frequency Networks for Mobile Video Streaming] (MMSys'15)
* <strike>'''16 Feb:'''</strike> '''Canceled''' Kiana (2D-3D Conversion)
* <strike>'''02 Feb:'''</strike> '''Canceled''' Hamza (Free-viewpoint Video Streaming)
* '''19 Jan:''' Shatnawi, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20150119-DataDrivenFederatedControlDistributedTransactions.pptx Data-driven Federated Control of Distributed Transactions in Online Services]
* '''05 Jan''': Khaled, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20150105-Storage_Management_3D_Streaming_Systems.pptx Storage Management in 3D Streaming Systems]
== Spring 2013 ==
* '''16 Apr:''' Tamir, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20130416-FeedbackControlCloudService.pptx Evaluation of Feedback Control as a Cloud Service]
* '''02 Apr:''' Saleh, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20130402-UserBehaviourModelForVoD.pdf A User Behaviour Model for Video-on-Demand Services]
* '''19 Mar:''' Masum, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20130319-OFDMA_ResourceAllocInHetNets.pdf OFDMA Cell Resource Allocation in HetNets]
* <strike>'''05 Mar:''' Som,</strike> '''Canceled'''
* '''19 Feb:''' Abdullah, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20130219-HybridStorageSystems.pptx Hybrid Storage Systems]
* '''05 Feb:''' Kiana, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20120205-2D-to-3D.pptx 2D-to-3D Video Conversion]
* '''22 Jan:''' Ahmed Abdelsadek, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20120122-ScalableDynamicHighDimensionalIndex.pdf Scalable, Dynamic, High-Dimensional Similarity Index for Multimedia Information Retrieval]
* '''08 Jan:''' Ahmed Hamza, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20130108-VideoRetargeting.pptx Video Retargeting]
== Fall 2012==
* '''11 Dec:''' Abdul, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20121211-RRM_in_HetNets.pdf Radio Resource Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks]
* '''27 Nov:''' Tamir,  
* '''13 Nov:''' Saleh, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20121113-Scalable_VoD_Streaming_Algorithm.pdf A Scalable Video-on-demand Streaming Algorithm over LTE Networks]
* '''30 Oct:''' Masum, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20121030-HybridUnicastMulticast_VoD_LTE.pptx Power-Efficient Multicast-Unicast Video-on-Demand Streaming Algorithms over LTE Networks]
* '''16 Oct:''' Ahmed Bu-Khamsin, [[media:Pcie_SDP.ppt | PCIe Interconnect for HPC Applications]]
* '''02 Oct:''' Som, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20121002-Cloud_Rewriter.pdf Cloud-based Multimedia Streaming]
* '''18 Sep:''' Azin,  [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20120918-VideoStreamingOverCRN.pptx Video Streaming over Cognitive Radio Networks]
== Spring 2011==
* '''01 Feb:''' Ahmed Bu-khamsin, Top Ten Computationally-Complex Problems in Oil and Gas Exploration Filed
* '''25 Jan:''' Naghmeh, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20110125-3DVideoCopyDetection.pptx 3D Video Copy Detection]
* '''18 Jan:''' Cameron, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20110118-CopyDetectionUsingOpticalFlow.pptx Video Copy Detection using Optical Flow]
* '''11 Jan:''' Mathieu,  [[media:3D_VideosOverview.pptx | 3D Media - An Overview]]
Group meetings were held biweekly up to Dec 2010.
== Fall 2010==
* '''21 Dec:''' Group discussion.
* '''09 Dec:''' Mohammad, [[media:Botnet-Detection-2.0.pptx | Detection of SIP Botnets Based on C&C Communication]]
* '''23 Nov:''' Taher, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20101123-AppAlgo2.ppt Approximation algorithms for Large-Scale Kernel Methods]
* '''19 Oct:''' Jeff, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20101019-LSH_Cluster.pdf Gram Matrix Approximation Using Locality Sensitive Hashing on Cluster]
* '''07 Oct:''' Dr. Rocky Chang (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), [[media:Rocky-SFU-7-Oct-2010.pdf | Active Measurement of Data-Path Quality in a Non-cooperative Internet]]
* '''28 Sep:''' Ahmed, [[media:DRS.pdf | Energy-Efficient Gaming on Mobile Devices using Dead Reckoning-based Power Management]]
== Spring/Summer 2010==
The meetings are good opportunities for students to practice their presentation skills and to get constructive feedback from the group on their research. The meetings keep the group members informed about different research problems being addressed in the group. They are also very helpful in finding research topics specially for new students.  
* '''31 Aug:''' Hamed, [[media:Predicting_Click_Through_Rate_for_new_ads.pdf | Predicting Click Through Rate for New Ads with Semantically Similarity Measurement]]
* '''09 Aug:''' Yuanbin, [[media:mutisendP2Pstream.pdf | Efficient Algorithms for Multi-Sender Data Transmission in Swarm-based P2P Streaming Systems]]
* '''03 Aug:''' Azin, [[media:CognitiveRadio.ppt | Cognitive Radio Networks]]
* '''20 Jul:''' Farid, [[media:movid10.pdf | Optimal Scalable Video Multiplexing in Mobile Broadcast Networks]]
* '''17 May:''' Cameron, Reducing Energy Consumption in Online Network Games on Mobile Devices
* '''10 May:''' Cong, Latency Reduction in Online Network Games
* '''19 Apr:''' Shabnam, [[media:Svc-nc.ppt | Live P2P Streaming with Scalable Video Coding and Network Coding]]
* '''29 Mar:''' Jeff and Taher, [[media:AppAlgo.ppt | Approximation algorithms for Kernel Methods on Multi-core CPUs and GPUs]]
* '''15 Mar:''' Som, [http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~ssa121/personal/wimaxSVC.pdf Video Streaming over WiMAX]
* '''01 Mar:''' Farid, [[media:scalable_video_streaming_for_mobiletv.pptx | Scalable Video Streaming for MobileTV]]
* '''01 Feb:''' Ahmed, [https://cs-nsl-svn.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cssvn/nsl-members/gm-talks/20100201-pCDN_SVC.pdf Design of pCDN with Scalable Video Coding]
* '''18 Jan:''' Shabnam, P2P Streaming with Newtork Coding and Scalable Video Coding
== Fall 2009==
* '''08 Dec:''' Yi, Video Streaming over Cooperative Wireless Networks
* '''10 Nov:''' Cheng, [[media:testbed.ppt | Design of a Mobile TV Testbed]]
* '''27 Oct:''' Yuanbin, Segment Scheduling in P2P Streaming Systems
* '''13 Oct:''' Ahmed, [[media:LTE.pdf | Long Term Evolution (LTE) - A Tutorial]]
* '''06 Oct:''' Cheng, [[media:Mm09.ppt | Statistical Multiplexing of VBR Video Streams]] (ACM MM 09 talk)
* '''22 Sep:''' Som, Video Streaming over WiMAX Networks
Everybody is welcome to attend. Meeting time: (usually) every other Friday, 4:00-5:00 PM, room SUR 4040. 
* '''08 Sep:''' Cong, Minimizing Round-Trip Time in Online Games
== Summer 2009==
== Summer 2009==
* 17 July 09: Mohammad  
* 18 August 09: Mohammad and Cong: 30 min each. Present their Directed Reading projects.
* '''14 Jul:''' Cheng, [[media:wimaxTV.pptx | Broadcasting Variable-Bit-Rate Videos in 802.16e-Like Mobile Networks]]
*  '''07 Jul:'''  Yi
* 3 July 09: Ahmed  
* '''26 Jun:''' Ahmed  
* 19 June 09: Kianoosh
* <strike>'''05 Jun:'''</strike> '''Canceled''' (Mohamed attending NOSSDAV'09)
* 5 June 09: Canceled (Mohamed attending NOSSDV'09)
* '''29 May:''' Kianoosh, End-to-End Secure Delivery of Scalable Video Streams
* 22 May 09: Cong  
* '''22 May:''' Cong, [[media:wimax.pptx| Multimedia Streaming over WiMAX Networks]]
* 8 May 09Yi
* '''08 May:''' Kianoosh,  Analysis of Authentication Schemes for Nonscalable Video Streams
== Spring 2009 ==
== Spring 2009 ==
* 17 Apr 09: Cheng (practice your infocom presentation)  
* '''17 Apr:''' [[media:infocom09.pptx|Cheng (practice your infocom presentation)]]
* 27 March 09: Andreas Berger  
* '''27 Mar:''' Andreas Berger, [[media:Nsl_vancouver.odp | Network-based Detection of SIP Bots]]
* 27 Feb 09: Shabnam and Yuanbin
* '''27 Feb:''' Shabnam and Yuanbin
* 23 Jan 09: Cheng (rehearse your PhD proposal) and Kianoosh
* '''23 Jan:''' Cheng (rehearse your PhD proposal) and Kianoosh

Latest revision as of 04:25, 27 June 2017

We hold regular meetings for discussion and for every student to update the group on his/her progress. In some of the meetings, graduate students present talks summarizing their research progress so far.

The meetings are good opportunities for students to practice their presentation skills and to get constructive feedback from the group on their research. The meetings keep the group members informed about different research problems being addressed in the group. They are also very helpful in finding research topics specially for new students.

Everybody is welcome to attend. Meeting time: 2:30 PM. Location: TASC1 8210

Summer 2017

  • 5 Jul at 1:30 PM: Hamed Ahmadi, TBD
  • 19 Jun: Omar Eltobgy, TBD
  • 29 May: Mohammed Shatnawi

Spring 2017

  • 11 Apr: Alaa, Event-based Control as a Cloud Service
  • 04 Apr: Ahmed Hamza, Quality-aware 3D Video Delivery
  • 28 Mar: Kiana, VR Content Generation from Regular Cameras for Sports
  • 14 Mar: Khaled, MASH: A Rate Adaptation Algorithm for Multiview Video Streaming over HTTP

Fall 2016

  • 13 Dec: Canceled Ahmed Hamza

Spring 2016

  • 25 Feb: Khaled, Adaptive Multiview Streaming over HTTP
  • 11 Feb: Alaa
  • 28 Jan: Saleh, Adaptive Multicast Streaming over Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
  • 14 Jan: Tarek, ePigeon: Reliable News Videos Upload Over the Cloud

Fall 2015

  • 15 Dec: Canceled Tarek
  • 01 Dec: Canceled Tarek
  • 17 Nov: Denny
  • 06 Oct: Shatnawi (practice MM talk)

Summer 2015

  • 24 Aug: Maram
  • 27 Jul: Canceled Shatnawi
  • 13 Jul: Canceled Scott
  • 19 May Canceled Saleh (present Chen et al., A scheduling framework for adaptive video delivery over cellular networks, ACM MobiCom’13)

Spring 2015

  • 27 Apr: Canceled (INFOCOM)
  • 13 Apr: Shatnawi (practice INFOCOM talk)
  • 07 Apr: Hamza (Practice PhD Proposal Exam)
  • 16 Feb: Canceled Kiana (2D-3D Conversion)
  • 02 Feb: Canceled Hamza (Free-viewpoint Video Streaming)

Spring 2013

  • 05 Mar: Som, Canceled

Fall 2012

  • 27 Nov: Tamir,

Spring 2011

  • 01 Feb: Ahmed Bu-khamsin, Top Ten Computationally-Complex Problems in Oil and Gas Exploration Filed

Group meetings were held biweekly up to Dec 2010.

Fall 2010

  • 21 Dec: Group discussion.

Spring/Summer 2010

  • 17 May: Cameron, Reducing Energy Consumption in Online Network Games on Mobile Devices
  • 10 May: Cong, Latency Reduction in Online Network Games
  • 18 Jan: Shabnam, P2P Streaming with Newtork Coding and Scalable Video Coding

Fall 2009

  • 08 Dec: Yi, Video Streaming over Cooperative Wireless Networks
  • 27 Oct: Yuanbin, Segment Scheduling in P2P Streaming Systems
  • 22 Sep: Som, Video Streaming over WiMAX Networks
  • 08 Sep: Cong, Minimizing Round-Trip Time in Online Games

Summer 2009

  • 18 August 09: Mohammad and Cong: 30 min each. Present their Directed Reading projects.
  • 07 Jul: Yi
  • 26 Jun: Ahmed
  • 05 Jun: Canceled (Mohamed attending NOSSDAV'09)
  • 29 May: Kianoosh, End-to-End Secure Delivery of Scalable Video Streams
  • 08 May: Kianoosh, Analysis of Authentication Schemes for Nonscalable Video Streams

Spring 2009

  • 27 Feb: Shabnam and Yuanbin
  • 23 Jan: Cheng (rehearse your PhD proposal) and Kianoosh